
I want to help her to be interested in studies and get better grades?

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my sister in law who is eleven,doesn't have much interest for studying.but for playing and spending time with her little bro..she doesn't like to read books..

i think its becos of her personality.what do u guys think,is there something wrong with her?

the big problem is shes going downward on her studies..shes getting bad grades at the end of the semester..ive made up my mind to help her..i want to improve her English as a second language, cos i believe its the weakest area..and i want to make her interested in the pls help me to do the above..




  1. ok the best way to do that is to teach her about the real world .

    Thats what my dad did with me .

    I always used to get good grades but then once I entered eith and seventh grade they started going down , because I was busy with friends & such .

    So he started telling me about like the economy and stuff like that and about how their arent that many jobs out there anymore and if you dont study in school you wont have any money when your older and wont be able to survive in the real world because your parents wont always be there to take care of you . You will one day have to go out on your own and take care of yourself and children (if you ever have any) . And he told me that I wouldnt be able to have all these luxuries when I'm older if I didn't study and get the best job I could get . And he told me he believed in me and all that and now I am working harder then ever to get my grades up .

  2. well don't teach her words like "cos" lol

    but i think it's sweet that you want to help her

    try to find out what she is interested barbie, or faries...something like that (she might be too old for that, but you get the idea). then you can find barbie books if she likes barbies or books with faries...

    you could also read to her if you are a good reader

    make a game out of studying as well don't just give her worksheets...give her puzzle worksheets...

    find which subjects she has the most trouble on and talk to her about them, ask her if she doesn't like the teacher or the class might be too hard

    it could also be personality, some people don't like to study. whatever you do though make sure that you keep supporting her

    answer mine please:

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