
I want to help my friend, he has migraine. is there a herbal medicine or a natural way to cure it?

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We don't like drugs or any other synthetic chemicals coz it just sometimes worsen the illness.




  1. Morphine is natural, but I don't think a doctor will give it to you.

  2. A lot of migraine medicines are just pain killers. They only help before a migraine starts to occur.

    Migraines usually occur when the person is Dehydrated, stressed, hormonal imbalances: Candida: food allergies: parsites: heavy metal toxicity, and allergies.

    When I turned 18, i began experiencing painful headaches that lasted a week or two. One day, I went to the doctor and told me that those painful headaches were migraines. The doctor told me it could be genetics because my parents had it. The doctor gave me painkillers but I denied the drug. I found it useless because I did not want unknown chemicals going into my body that could harm me (side effects). I later bought a book full of natural cures. It had pages full of natural cures medicines that would cure common diseases such as migraines, allergies, herpes, diabetes, etc.

    The books title is called Natural Cures “They don’t want you to know about”.

    The cure that I found for migraines is Apple Cider Vinegar. (There is also Dr. Coldwell's stress reducing techniques; acupuncture; alphabiotics; cranial sacral therapy; chiropratic adjustments). If you are serious of getting ride of you migraine, you must eliminate artificial sweeteners and do all the cleanses (colon cleanse; liver/gallbladder cleanse, heavy metal cleanse, parasite cleanse, candida cleanse).

    One day, I slowly felt a migraine ready to cause me pain. I quickly ran to the kitchen and filled a glass of water and mix it with 1 Tablespoon (15ml) and 1Teaspoon (5ml). I drank it and within an hour and a half, my migraine was gone.


    Since Apple Cider Vinegar is 5 percent acidic. I used two methods of indulging the acidic product.

    Eat it with a salad and 1 Tablespoon (15ml) and 1Teaspoon (5ml) of Apple Cider Vinegar


    A 3/4 glass full of water and mix with 1 Tablespoon (15ml) and 1Teaspoon (5ml) of Apple Cider Vinegar.

    P.S. You can use the natural cure "while" having a migraine and it will take about an hour and a half for the pain to go away (the amount of time for the migraine to go away depends on the person). Please try it. It helped me, my parents, and my co-workers.

  3. Many times migraine headaches can be caused or made worse by upper neck and skull misalignments. Therefore, the best thing you can do is visit a chiropractor.

  4. Acupuncture points at the mandibles ( that's where the upper jaw bone is connected to the lower jaw bone).

    If you place your two forefingers on the outside of the face, at the base of the two lower molars and move the jaw up and down and find the hinge, it will be very tender.

    Massage these two points in a circular motion until the tenderness goes away and you will find that the migraine will go.

    If it does not work, you have not got the correct point.

    Keep trying until you find it. I know this works. GOOD LUCK.

  5. Cures depend on the cause e.g. chocolate...

    -2) Dry socks, or vest or shirt. Standing in bare fet on cold dry tiles.

    -1) Bring sunglasses everywhere.

    0) Limit stress, if possible

    1) Head massage before the migraine to stop it.

    2) If your friend has bad breath, headaches, upset stomach, burping, fluid retention (hangover after cornflakes eaten last thing at night ??!)............ Then the cause could be excesss candida albicans (yeast) brought on by a diet that yeast love: white bread, biscuits, sweets, cakes, jam tarts, any tarts, sugary drinks, jam, marmalade, honey, sugar in tea and coffee (Or is that coffee or tea in sugar?).

    Apart from STOPPING eating these foods one can get an anti-candida ssubstance in a health shop. Non prescription, and according to directions on the bottle. This is a once-off action to inhibit the growth of excess candida, which allows the normal bacteria to multiply and maintain the yeast in small numbers, as in all people not suffering from excesss candida.

    Substance could be maximised caprylic acid, taken with food. (Or trade name - Capricin). 1000 mg of Lysine could be taken daily if does not have virally caused  sore lips. This coaxes the yeast into being in a form more vulnerable to the caprylic acid.

    The candida may have caused a leaky stomach, which might lead to allergens getting into the blood stream, leading to migraine etc. When the candida has been tamed more remedial work might be appropriate.

    Your friend should eat plenty of fibre. If he eats bread, then I recommend brown bread, for many reasons e.g. it lessens the insulin surges which could lead to diabetes, and then heart disease and / or strokes. It would be easier for him to control or keep controlling his weight, etc.

  6. there is migrains sticks you can get in a chemist. you rub it on your forehead and it eases the pain

    my friend gets migraines bad and had to get tinted glasses. they're blue to clock out a certain colour. since she got theses glasses she doesnt get them bad

  7. Hello Pupud,

    I am almost positive that you can find an alternative solution for his migraines.  I go to when I am searching for alternative solutions.  Good luck to you and your friend!

  8. HI pupud, i am a migraine sufferer, and trust me they are h**l! =(

    *a natural preventative is evening primrose oil. You can get capsules in any health food shop and I've seen them in lidl before too! They cost less than a tenner, depending on where you buy it. Although it doesnot prevent 100% of migraines it really has helped reduce the no. of migraines i get.

    *people who suffer from migraine often have a deficiency of magnesium in the brain. By eating leafy green veg (natural source of magnesium) it can help prevent migraine

    *Also i've found that some bright lights cause migraine. I used to often get migraines after trips to the dentist, i soon realised this was caused by the bright light. Now i always close my eyes while on the dental chair.

    *Limit your intake of drinks containing caffeine or alcohol, but if you currently drink a lot of either of these reduce your intake gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

    *Low blood sugar can trigger attacks, so try not to go longer than five waking hours without eating. Slow-release foods are also advisable e.g. cereals, bananas, pasta, potatoes

    *The 'migraine brain' likes routine, so it is a good idea to maintain regular schedules. Some people note a rise in migraine occurrence at weekends or when on holiday, often due to a break with daily routine. In general, sticking to eating, resting, exercise and sleep routines is a good idea for migraineurs, even at weekends

    *Complementary therapies such as Biofeedback, Physiotherapy and relaxation therapy are well respected within the medical profession as treatment for migraine, while individuals also report that treatments such as acupuncture, reiki, homeopathy and herbal remedies may be beneficial in augmenting a drug treatment strategy.

    Hope this has helped, here are some websites i've found useful.

  9. Hello! There are many things that can naturally help your headaches. For a natural "medicine" type of response, you can take things like White Willow Bark with Fever Few mixed in.

    You can also get some massage, even doing trigger point yourself with a tennis ball while lying on the bed is very helpful (seems to make the pain worse WHILE you're doing the trigger point, although quickly alleviates heaps of pain!).

    Also, most headaches are somewhat a result of reduced blood flow in the head/neck region. To help that, you can apply heat via a hot pack or hot washcloth or rice socks (take a tube sock and fill it VERY full with rice--tie it off tightly, it will stretch out over time--heat in microwave, depending on power, for approximately 1-2 minutes). IF that seems to make your headache worse, then you are one of the few that your headaches are likely resulting in a decreased bloodflow. In that case, as uninviting as it may sound, cold or ice compresses would be more helpful.

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