
I want to help people that don't have much, like food or clothing, and i don't know how to start.?

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i do know that i want to take one or two families per year, shopping for stuff they need, or just having people donate stuff and then i could give that to them, please, i would really like some feedback, thank you.




  1. A great organization that you might contact: Second Harvest!

    I've seen them in action locally after the dreadful fires here is Southern California...they are amazing. Also...Habitat for Humanity has many opportunities to pitch in!

  2. How about helping needy kids get their education? You can collect pencils for The Pencil Project. Check out the website for more info...

  3. look up charity work in your local council list.

  4. Well, maybe you could view the poor on the streets, like the homeless have need for food etc.  And what about people you see, they are poor, their children are ill, their clothes are tattered and dirty.  You see this, not every day, but when you do you can find out if these poor people are always that way.  Street people know if they are poor or not.  I am not speaking of the new version of street people, people who truly have nothing, not the ones who drive old vehicles and have new ones, as I have heard they do.  The ones who truly are without.  You could go to soup kitchens and also ask someone to help you deliver food to the poor parts of cities.  I once saw a very large truck, it opened its doors and gave lots of food and needed articles and such to the poor of the neighborhood.  If you think all clothing goes to people who are not as well off, think again, many times the stores keep them for themselves, and they also do not sell them for just two or three dollars.  Sometimes on specific days they do.   GL and what a nice idea..  GB

  5. What a very heartful deeds you are doing. There are thousands of charities/groups who needs those stuffs especially in third world countries who needed it most. I know a group in Israel who are really helping the poor families and all the things they receive really goes to the needy. This group of volunteers care for them and honest people. If only you can send it to them they will be delighted.

  6. In cleaning out my closet or the house of never used items and removing the clutter.  I was going to throw it away when someone said those could be someone elses treasures.

    Some clothes still had the tags, I was going to loose weight?

    Anyway, I took them to the community store, I am sure they have good will or others in your area.

    Several pickup loads.  I got the house cleaned up and got rid of stuff I never use.

    I found out several poor familys in the area that is the only place they shop.  Dresses for $2.  and men's suit jackets to help them get a job or the whole suit for $5.  

    they also donate free to anyone who is unemployed or has a food card.

    they only collect enough money to pay the expenses on the building.  The ladies, usually seniors, are volenteers.

    There was ton's of clothes, shoes, baby clothes and household items.  So sometimes without spending a fortune we can help someone else while helping ourselves.

    Another idea some of the people in the community have been doing.  when the school asks for supplies, a back pack and the needed supplies to start school is out of reach for some of the students.  So some have bought one or two back packs full of supplies and give them to teachers to give to students who don't have one, and can't afford one.

    Some stores in our area have a out let where you can send dent cans and out of date cans of food.  Say your cubboard has some out of date cans of food, donate it.  A few days older than on the label  still is good food.

    Lot's of ways without donateing to charities which never get to the poor people who needs it.  ONe tenth of one per cent goes to help anyone other than the people running the place.

    So this man figured out that was to big a waste and purchased a bunch of cases of Del Monte Tomato Sauce.

    For a large family who eat mostly spaghetti, they really appreciated it.

  7. There are a lot of places already there to help people get started like Planned Parenthood or Child and Family Services. You may want to go to a Volunteer Match and start by getting in the mix. Start small and go from there, people can be so mean. Do you have the heart to deal with those kind of problems, like no money or drug addiction?

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