
I want to help stop global warming and stuff; I was hoping I could start with my neighborhood?

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I was watching National Geographic and there's a lot that we can do to stop or slow it down so we don't s***w it up!

So what can I do, starting with my house and then my neighborhood.

People love saving money with the down economy so do you know of any life style changes that could persuade people to do better?




  1. Greenhouse gases destroy our Earths Ecosystem. High levels of CO2 gas (carbon dioxide) are also a major cause of Global Warming. Although buildings produce nearly half of all greenhouse gas emissions, a survey released by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) shows that 40 percent of voters believe cars and trucks are the highest contributors, compared to just seven percent who accurately identified buildings as the top cause of emissions. Studies show that buildings produce 48 percent of dangerous greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change, and that they consume 71 percent of electricity produced at U.S. power plants. Other major contributors of building greenhouse gases are fully vented septic systems and landfills. Both of these sources of greenhouse gases can be reduced by using zeocarbon based septic vent pipe filters which as anadded benefit also remove odors. The zeocarbon inside these filters can then be recycled every few years as a nitrogen rich, ornamental garden fertilizer. It takes up to one year for one tree to fix the CO2 in the equivalent of 3 litres of gas. Septic vent pipe filters can do the same thing in one day, every day, for years before the zeocarbon must be recycled back to the earth.

  2. don't listen to the Global Warming n***s.

    these n***s are trying to scare you into living like a cave man and they are trying to ban humanity.

    Their goal is to destroy the middle class and turn the USA into a third world S**t hole, with only the top 1% of the people allowed to have a car and a warm house.

    The rest of us will be forced to walk to work and will have a freezing cold house with no heat.

  3. Well, if I were you I'd get in my SUV and drive around the neighborhood for a few hours to see what needs to be done.  That would be a good first step.

  4. Stop living in the modern world, live in a cave & eat nuts, berries, & tree bark. Don't use electricity, cars, homes, grocery stores, resturants, etc. Don't you understand people are like a disease to the planet? Man should just go extinct to save it!

    PLEASE don't believe this man-caused global warming garbage! This is all about money & power. Nothing more.

  5. heres somethings you can do easily...

    go around your house and turn off every light thats not being used.

    open your blinds to let in some light where its dark.

    turn off the tv when its not used.

    dont run the water while brushing teeth or shaving, etc.

    ride the bus to school.

    carpool somewhere. walk somewhere nearby instead of driving.

    collect rain water to water your plants.

    if you have a few wet clothes, dont put them in the dryer, set them out to dry (unless you need them quickly and if there is only a few)

    do everyones wash together to reduce the amount of loads (still seperated by colors of course)

    most colors can be mixed if you wash with cold water, and cold water is better also.

    unplug things when not being used like lamps, chargers, game consoles, etc they can still use energy even when off.


    take shorter showers if you dont already.

    reuse things instead of throwing them out, find cool things you can do with them instead. be creative.

    buy a water bottel (just a cheap 99c one) instead of buying bottled drinks.

    check books out at the library and share them with your freinds, (less paper used to make more)

    go to the newspapers website instead of buying one (if possible. some papers have more info than website)

    change AC/heating to fit your schedule (eg. have it set lower when you leave and set it to start up 10min before you get home so you wont be hot when you get home)

    use a lunch box instead of a paper bag.

    pick up that peice of trash in the drive way.

    all these things can be done in just your home/car. imagine what you can do outside your home. it can also save you money. hope this helps.

  6. In the neighborhood, I pick up the recycling that people toss away.  It's very easy to pick up a few plastic bottles and aluminum cans on each walk.  This way, the recycling doesn't end up in the sewers, clogging them, or in the garbage, and then neighborhood looks better without litter strewn all over.  Tell people what you are doing when they ask.  Your neighbors will follow suit and pick up around their house also.

  7. We are not s******g up our "world". Global Warming is BS!

    What can you start doing is living your life the way you choose and the way you feel most comforable and don't fall into BS! There's so much BS out there right now, you can do your world a favor by staying away from BS! lol

    People are doing just fine, it's the government that needs to do better.

  8. Urge your neighbors to switch to electric lawn mowers:

    "ScienceDaily (June 1, 2001) — The air pollution from cutting grass for an hour with a gasoline-powered lawn mower is about the same as that from a 100-mile automobile ride, according to a new study from Sweden,"

    "Gallon for gallon, new lawn mower engines contribute 93 times more smog-forming emissions than new cars."

    Don't count on your government (unless possibly if you're in california) to ever ban 2-stroke engines, they're more interested in implimenting 'carbon taxes' on gasoline, which, like most taxes, tends to hurt those who can least afford them the most.

  9. You can't save the earth from global warming anymore than you can save space from being barren. Global warming is  a lie, the earth is naturally warming, but never fear it will get colder again. As for your neighborhood, just clean up garbage or something. Overfishing and pollution in the waterways are a more pressing issue than global warming.

  10. Another brainwashed person.

    The world has been COOLING since 1998.

    Even if the world had been warming, ITS TOTALLY NATURAL.

    The earth has warmed up and cooled down throughout it's entire history. It has always happened.

    It's up to you if you want to wash your clothes in the river, walk everywhere, switch off all your lights and live in darkness - but it's not going to change anything because the earth is doing it's natural thing.

    The dinosaurs couldn't reverse climate change and neither can we.

  11. Stop watching National Geographic.

  12. There is no global warming, only climate change which is a natural process.  You can do absolutely nothing to stop or change it.

  13. It's unfortunate when people buy into images and ignore actual science as "BS" because of skewed political beliefs and illusions.

    First thing you can do is educate yourself on the topics - look at scientific articles and documentaries so that if anybody asks, you know what you're talking about.

    Also, simple everyday activities in your house - such as conserving energy and water - will not only make a difference environmentally but in your finances, too! Try avoiding the AC, hang or lay clothes to dry instead of the dryer, use natural light and candles, and take shorter showers/use less water.

    Bring your own bag/reusable canvas bags to carry your groceries home!

    I know many people will hate to hear this, but I'm going to say it anyway - one of the biggest things you can do to support sustainable living is become a vegetarian.  The cost of meat - not in price, but in resources consumed to create it - is extremely high (food consumed to raise the animal, waste disposal during its life, and the travel from the farm to slaughterhouse to store ... all of these things create waste and further resource use).

    My last tip would be to try not to "convince" people of anything, because unfortunately some people get touchy about this.  Approach people saying that it will help the community if they purchase locally made items, and it's much healthier anyway (consuming locally made honey reduces allergies from flowers!).  Don't focus directly on "stopping global warming!" because people get all messed-up politics in your face.

    Good luck! :)

  14. You won't be able to get people to accept a reduction in quality of life, not for something like the environment so you'll just have to figure out how to make what they'd do anyway not harm the environment (look at all the people still denying that global warming is happening despite there being no natural cause for the warming and about as much dispute for temperature increase as there is for evolution).

    Trying to ban your way out of trouble without a viable alternative isn't going to work in a democracy as the people will just vote you out and vote in the brownlash movement if they get annoyed at rolling blackouts caused by relying on the wind (one of my worries is that the inability of the greens favoured energy sources to actually provide the energy we need may cause people to start taking the global warming denialists for something other that kooks).

    To stop global warming you're going to have to stop emitting CO2 at a rate faster than it is absorbed and that means replacing coal and natural gas power plants with nuclear power plants (wind and ground based solar aren't worth doing if you don't have decent large scale energy storage) and that will only solve the biggest part of the problem with transportation fuels being harder to solve (we don't have a solution at the moment though there are some promising areas of research and some dead ends).

    Saving energy can at best delay global warming until we've replaced fossil fuels with nuclear and at worst may actually increase global warming if it is done as a substitute for getting rid of fossil fuels (which some people seem to suggest, though not directly) since energy efficiency improvements may make new uses of energy cheaper (though increased efficiency is good for the economy so don't avoid it, just recognise that it isn't the solution to the problem) and even if it doesn't make the problem worse it won't offer as much of a solution as many of the less informed proponents of saving power claim.

  15. Good idea go door to door and start pleading with people to stop believing everything Al Gore tells them. If we could just shut people up about Global Warming it would go away, BECAUSE ITS NOT REAL.

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