
I want to hold my hamster but im sacred to.?

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I want to hold my syrian hamster but what happens if it bites me. Don't suggest gloves. i tried but it slowly nipped me thinking iwas food ALTHOUGH I WAShed my hands and rubbed in sawdust, I had him for about a week and two days




  1. i had a syrian hamster that kept biting but i used a glove to hold him,  try to stroke him and feed him by hand that would help.  my hamster didnt bite my friend she could pic him up without trouble i think it was beacause she wasnt scared of him. so try not to be scared of handling your hamster beacause it can sense it.

  2. Hamster's are nearsighted, so usually when they bite they are nibbling to explore as opposed to using their sight. If they bite hard or aggresively, it's commonly out of fear rather than them being mean. I would suggest trying to "tame" your hamster by having it eat out of your hand. When it's more comfortable with that, ease your way into petting it inside it's cage. Gradually try to get the hamster to crawl into your hand when you want to hold it, and eventually you will be able to hold it. The website below has more information on taming hamsters, lol. I hope this helps! :)

  3. i get bit all the time but only when there in the cage but if u use a tube to get them out in u shouldnt get bitten and they will get used to your smell. it might bite you if u pick it up when its tired

  4. stop being a little beyotch and grab it he dont do nothing unless you squeez hem hard

  5. well i understand youre scared but in order for youre hamster to get used to you, you have to pick him up!!  since youve only had him for about a week, you might want to try to pet him while hes eating, but let him sniff you first.  when you pick him up, be sure you pick him up with TWO hands, and scoop him up. if he nips at you a little, thats ok, hes just figuring out if you are food or not! if youre still not comfortable with picking him up still, try putting some treats on your hand, and put your hand next to your hamster. then he will walk on your hand instead of you picking him up.

    good luck and hope i helped!!

  6. I have attached my hamster taming guide. Follow the steps and your hamster would be your friend for life. And stop being scared of hamsters, they are cute animals and if handled the right way, will never bite you.

    Guide to taming hamsters -

    Taming your hamster can be a long process, don't expect your hamster to suddenly like be handled over night. It can take weeks or even months depending on the hamster. Here the the steps to handling a hamster -

    STEP 1 - When you first get your hamster leave it alone for the first 2 - 3 days to let it get used to it's new cage and surroundings. If you pick him up on the first day itself, he will definitely bite you since you are a stranger to him.

    STEP 2 - Once the hammy seems comfortable in his new cage, start talking to him softly and hang around his cage enough for him to get used to your voice and smell. After this time feed your hamster some treats from your hand so he get used to seeing your hand. This might take a few days to happen but be patient. If you feel that the hamster still bites you, you can use gloves initially.

    PRECAUTION - always interact with the hamster only when he is active. If you touch him or disturb him when he is sleeping, he can get angry and bite viciously.

    STEP 3 - Once your hamster seems confident with taking treats out of your hand you can try to start handling your hamster. Before you handle your hamster make sure you have washed your hands well. Hamsters have a strong sense of smell. If they smell something on your hand they may mistake it for food and decide to bite!

    Get a cup or something similar and place it into the hamster's cage. He should come to investigate and crawl inside. Take the hamster and cup out of the cage and let him walk out onto your hand. While you do this make sure you're sat down or sat close to the floor incase your hamster decides to jump. Let him walk from hand to hand. Be careful you don't grab or wrap your hands around your hamster until he is fully tame as this may scare him and he will jump out of your hand.

    STEP 4 - Once your hamster is more confident with you, you can start to pick up your hamster straight from it's cage. Just make sure your hamster is aware that you are there, if not you may suddenly scare the hamster and it may turn around and bite you.

    Best way to hold hamsters is to make them climb into one hand and cupping the other hand softly over the body so that his head pokes out from the gap between your two hands. Remember, do not apply any pressure on his body, he will get scared and snap at you.

  7. It usually takes a while for hamsters to get used to handling. For now you should just try petting him or just let your hand rest in the cage and let hammy come up to you. Sometimes hamsters nip out of curiosity but it hardly hurts. What will hurt is if you scare it and then it bites you out of self defense. They can definitely draw blood. Don't try to hold him around the middle because you do have to squeeze them hard this way as they tend to try and wiggle free. When you and your hamster get more comfortable with each other and you try holding him this way you will see what I mean lol.

    This is a case where you will just have to be patient, eventually your hamster should get used to being touched.

  8. Well if she's new, slowly pet her for a little bit until you think you gained her trust. Slowly pick her up. If she bites don't worry she's just scared. Soon enough she'll open up and allow you to pick her up whenever you want.

  9. well, when i first got my hamster, she bit me and trust me, it hurt. But what you need to do is put a treat in your hand and let it get used to you before you hold it and when you approach its cage, try using a gentle voice, loud noises can make it think it needs to defend itself.

  10. I used to have this problem with my hamster, so I worked my way up to it (and even then I wasn't very good).

    - Firstly I watched my mum, dad, brother, sister etc holding it.

    - Then, stroke it whilst someone else is holding it.

    - Then, with someone else holding your hand, let it walk over your hand - just once at first, then maybe one more time..etc.

    - Eventually, when I was able to let it walk over my hands by myself, I was still so scared that everytime it stepped onto my next hand, I wiped the sweat off on my bottoms/sofa/whatever I could, before it stepped onto it - I looked like an odd one man band.

    If you don't feel comfortable holding it, let it scurry around on your lap and just stroke it, or let someone else hold it because remember they need love and affection and I don't think you'd want to deprive it off that. It will feel odd for a while at first, but practice makes perfect. In fact, when I first held mine, it felt so odd I named him Tickles (because it tickled my hand and I was so shakey).

    Good luck!!

  11. I was scared to hold my guinea pigs, just pick him up and try to keep his teeth away from your skin. Or you could hold him/her in a washcloth against you till he/she gets used to it.

  12. Well, try having him eat out of your hand. He needs to gain your trust and learn your scent. Just take a deep breath and pick him up. Once he gets used to your scent, he'll trust you and know you enough to stop.

  13. He's trying to play with you! When you get him out try and feed him a piece of an apple! They love it and maybe he wont think you are food anymore and when you get him out the he might just look for the apple and let you hold him! Good luck!

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