
I want to home-school my 13-year-old daughter?

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she has a medicalcondition that keeps her from school often, and i was wondering what i would have to do? [training, schoolwork,standards?]




  1. Definitely go to they make it very easy to find out what you need to do. Usually the states make it hard to decipher. Also, you may contact your local library, community center, or churches to find homeschoolers in your neighborhood and they are definitly helpful. I live in a small town and I was completely surprised to find out how many homeschoolers were around.

    Don't worry about people who view homeschoolers as backwards or socially retarded you will run into people who think in this close minded way. You know what is best for you and your child.

  2. being home schoold keep you from doing a lot  of things making friend experiencing the real world when your younger and you go tho all the drama all the rumors it makes you stronger as you get older you learn to fight back and grow up being home schoold you dont experience that nd when its time to face to real world its realy hard . al tho your daughter has a medical condition if its so bad she cant get out of bed them dont put her tho this but if she can you should put her in school making friends learning its about being young living life if she allready sick and is already less fornute dont prive of more if can be a small school a realy small school with a nurse  to keep you updated and if she bad she can come home . let her experience life

  3. I'm not sure about any of the standards or anything, but 3 of my cousins were homeschooled, one still is, and I have to say, while they are EXTREMELY smart kids...they are really missing out on school activities.  They missed out on friendships, and now it's sort of like they're outcasts because they really don't have many friends.  That is the only reason I say make sure this is the right choice.  School is a social network, so my advice to you is while I say homeschooling is the best education for your child, make sure she can still get involved with activities.  Maybe sports, or if that's not possible with her medical condition, maybe get into an art class, or something.  Just make sure she socializes with kids her own age, that's really important especially in the teens!!!  Good luck!

  4. if she has a med.con. then its just easier for everyone to homeschool her, but honestly we all know that homeschool kids are usually really weird and socially retarded. so if you do homeschool, just make sure she beefs up on her outside skills.

    good luck.

  5. Yes most definitly homeschool her it will prevent being bullied and laughed at ( If it is that kind of medical condition like where people make fun of her " Trust Me i got mooed at

  6. ok i have to dissagree with most of these answers, for one...many people here decided to point out how backwards homeschooled childred are and they didnt help with your actuall question. sheeeesh.

    ok. moving on. I will try to help you with what you asked.

    I am homeschooled. Actually what i do is called cyber school. Its great for familys who want to homeschool but dont have the time / resources. My 'cyber' school is run by the state, so everything up to state standards. The parents role is to simply oversee thier child, they are contacted by the teachers if there is a problem so that they can take action if needed. Its great really. I believe most states offer these programs but i could be wrong.

    Also, those who think homeschoolers are retards or socially inept, you are ignorant and shallow. I have gone to public school up till this year, my senior year in high school. Throughout my life i have know many homeschooled children, many of whom are my very good friends. I notice little difference in the social behavior of a public school student vs. a homeschooled student.  The differences that do exsist are that homeschooled students are much smarter, and you can not say im biased or ignorant here since I have recieved most of my education from public schooling (unfortunatly grades reflect it...). I have noticed too that homeschoolers with (especially with religious backgrounds and who attend co-ops at thier churches), seem to be much more agreeable and much more tell me please how this can be a negitive affect when they grow up? Also most schools by law have to permit homeschooled (and state-run cyber school) students to participate in after school and sport activitys. Most of my homeschool friends have taken atvantage of this and participate in track, soccer and field hockey etc. SO a homeschooler can have many of the experiences that public school kids can. Also I have friends in the public school still so i can still go to dances and activitys.

    anyways i hope i helped somewhat. If you have any questions about cyber-charter schools i can certainly answer them. feel free to emial me. I can possibly answer some questions about the traditional homeschool method also.


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