
I want to home school my child. Help please?!?

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I have never Home schooled anyone before and I know absolutely nothing about how to start home schooling. Can someone please help me? I need to know what to do to start out.

Thanks =]




  1. Learn everything you can about homeschooling and the laws where you live. Your local library probably has a ton of books and there's lots of information online.

    Find a homeschool support group/association--or two or three or more--and start connecting with people, learn about what's going on where you live, learn about resources, etc. You'll find these groups online and in Yahoo Groups.

  2. There are lots of ways to do it. You can buy your curriculum or you can get curriculum from your school district or you could do on line school. My daughter attended an alternative school where they supplied the curriculum, she did all of her work at home and then went in to the school once a week to turn in her work and take a test. At that time they gave her the curriculum for the next week.It was fully accredited and her grades were acceptable at any college. she is in fact now in her second year of college  Check for the requirements for your state and then research your options on line.  Good Luck  It was the best for us.

  3. I think u should put ur child into a real school. He wouldn't get to have friends and its kind of mean to home school him/her. Unless he is sick and he cant go to a normal school.

  4. Check out for the homeschool laws in your state/province/country.  

    Then you need to figure out just how you want to homeschool.   Personally, we're rather eclectic.  I use different types of books/texts, etc for different subjects.    Some use a boxed curriculum and others do school at home (online schooling).

  5. Your local school district will also be able to direct you into the right direction. In most cases you will have to turn in paperwork 2 weeks before you remove your child from public school. Or, two week before school starts! You will receive many different answers about HOW or IF you should home-school, its up to you, and your family. Trust in the fact that YOU know what your child needs.  There are many different curriculum's out there.  When we started, I used a little of different curriculum's. This year we started LifePac by alpha omega- we love it! we have a 4th grader and 2nd grader! We love our family time.  Both of my children are advanced readers, the public school wouldnt address this until 5th grade.  A lot of churches have homeschool groups as well!  You can go to yahoo groups and find a local group for help!

    Best wishes to you! This is an exciting time!

  6. don't let them go 2 the bathroom unless they say it in french

  7. In addition to the above good suggestions, get in contact with local homeschool groups.

    Just goodle "myTown myCounty homeschool group" and you should get some results.

    Contact them - you will find them very willing and happy to help you out.  And this will give you and your child a jump start on getting involved in lots of activities and opportunities.

  8. You have to know your local laws and follow them.

    If they have education stipulations you have to get a program that complies otherwise you can use any materials from almost any source.

    You may have to keep attendance and a portfollio

  9. As pinkpiglet said, you need to research the homeschooling laws of your state.  Also, you might want to do a search on the net, in local papers and at your library for a local homeschool support group.

    As to how to homeschool, there are two major things that can/should determine that:  your teaching style and the learning style(s) of your kid(s).

    For example, when I first started, I tried to recreate a school environment in my home.  One mom in a group I belonged to asked why I was trying to be just like the public schools when I  had so much more freedom?  That got me thinking how the traditional structured methods didn't work for me, nor did they work for my child (which was why I'd removed him from school in the first place.)

    We ended up as unschoolers. It's a bit frightening at first as it requires a lot of trust in your child, and a bit in yourself :p  It's worked well for us.

    You'll find what methods work for you and your family.  I read in a book recently, loosely translated, "As long as your child knows more today than he did yesterday, you are doing things right."

    Good luck :)

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