
I want to home school my daughters?

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Can anyone tell me where to go and find out more information and cost?




  1. do they want to be home schooled ??

  2. Well the cost varies greatly depending on how you do it.  You can spend thousands on a prepackaged curriculum that tells everything you should say and do, or you can spend less than $200 and have the freedom to let your children learn in the way that suits them best.

    Go to to find out the laws in your state.

    Go to to find out about a lot of materials, there are plenty of other sites for materials too, but this can get you started.

    Also find support groups in your area and then you can meet and talk to parents who homeschool and get a chance to look over materials they are using.


    Earl D. is incorrect (as he often is).  California has 4 legal options for homeschooling, and some of them do not require an accredited program.  

    P.S. Most of us could help more if at least knew what state you live in and perhaps the age / grade level of your daughters.

  3. yep everything you want to know is at this site someone told me about a while ago on here it tells schools and if you go to them it shows if there is a cost , the one I went to is free

  4. It depends on where you live.

  5. Check out

  6. true, it depends on where you live.  Texas is easy, California requires accredited programs, NY requires the programs you use follow their syllubus to the letter.

  7. Not knowing the ages of your children, or what state you live in any answer will be pretty generalized.

    The cost is dependent on what you plan on doing, we spend very little, but have been using the same books for many years; we passed them on to the younger children.

    We also have other families we trade with, or borrow from when they are no using it for that semester, or year.

    This is a good reason to get involved with a local home school group so you can get the know the families, and check out some of the materials they use to see if that is what would work for your children.

    Attending a Home School Convention is another great idea, they have many workshops on home schooling, and the methods, as well as materials used; vendors will bring their wares for you to preview/buy.

    Here are a few websites that may help for the time being.


    If you are not ready to invest in anything but the basic books, math, reading, and writing you may be interested in these two websites.

    They do require a $20.00 yearly fee to have full access to the site, but you can check them out for free.

    These sites can provide you with all the worksheets, and then some to make a whole curriculum.

    good Luck.

  8. Depends where you live. If you're in America, try the hslda for starters. If you're not, check out your nation's own homeschooling organisations (HEA if you're here in Oz, education otherwise in the UK etc etc).

    Alternatively check with local homeschooling groups in your town/shire. You can find the details on google, your local message board, library etc.

    You might try looking at your local school board's website (assuming they're pro-home education). However, if they're not supportive of home educators, I'd advise you to give the school board a wide berth - Remember: homeschooling is legal virtually everywhere (other than Germany) no matter how much your local school authorities might try to tell you different. They are not in a position to give you unbiased advice where homeschooling is concerned.  

    As for cost, home education can cost as much or as little as you're prepared to pay. One could probably spend thousands of dollars esp. if you opt for distance education (cyber school, school-in-a-box etc). Alternatively you can home educate for little more than the cost of a library ticket - my parents homeschool us for approximately $50 per child, per year.

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