
I want to home school my two kids one in grade 9 now and one going into kindergardin. where do i look?

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I live in new brunswick canada and want the cheapest way and the best way to do this. where do i look for this info?




  1. maybe spell kindergarden right lol jk.....

    um i attend the grace academy.its online.theres a free site go to or .org

    i go to one thats 2000. but the site i showed you is free

  2. Here is some info on affordable homeschooling:

    Before purchasing a curriculum, you need to find out what homeschooling method you want to use:

  3. I used this program for grades 9 - 12, but they start at preschool and go all the way up through high school and even some college stuff. Check out I used this homeschooling program for years, and I loved it. It tells you what lessons you need to do each day, and then at the end of the lesson you take a test. It also has videos, games, ETC to make learning a little more fun. At the end of each lesson, and quiz it will tell you your grade and percentage. I found it very easy to learn, and it only took me a couple hours a day to complete all the work. The program is done on the computer. I don't know if it's available in Canada, but the website should tell you.

  4. You could try that's where my mom got some of our stuff pretty cheap.

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