but my parents work full-time?
i've read some answers on here, from kids who've been asking the same question. is it possible to be homeschooled without a parent with you. mine don't get home until kind of late like between 5 and 6 or so. i need some information on how this would work. i'm interested in the whole unschooling type of homeschooling, but like another kid said, the name isnt so appealing when trying to convince your parents. 'un' schooling doesnt sound like something my parents would want to try, because they dont understand it. i dont know how to *make* them understand it, because i'm nervous. because it sounds like i just want to quit school(aka be a drop out) , it is a problem and i think they'll take it the wrong way because i have a cousin..he dropped out. but he DROPPEDOUT, not unschooled. it's different, besides i know what i want to learn already.
can you give me some ideas to tell my parents? in a good way theyll understand.
such as :books
deals i can make with them:maybe make me write a *reflection* everyday of what i learned or something, or make sure i do at least 30 minutes study in a subject i'm having trouble with