
I want to host a party and there will be drinking but I also want to invite underage kids

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I want to host a party and I know my of-age friends will want to drink. As long as none of the underage kids are drinking, I can not get in trouble, right?




  1. You can get in trouble if the underage kids are under your supervision (being the person holding the party) and there is alcohol there- because obviously you cant be watching them at all times.  If the cops come, you would get arrested for "contributing alcohol to minors" if the cops suspect any underage people are drinking alcohol.  Just make sure that no one parks in front of your neighbors houses, the music isn't too loud, drunk people aren't leaving from your house to go driving (if they get pulled over they will say they were supplied at your house or tell their parents).

  2. If an underage drinks with out your knowledge and they get caught on your property or if they get pulled over confess to cops they received the alcohol from your house you will be charged with contributing to a minor.  Be careful.

  3. Ask your guests not to leave their (alcoholic) drinks lying around. Make sure you serve it to them in person, not just a help-yourself punch bowl. It sounds rather hassling, but maybe you could hire/get someone to serve drinks, like a bartender (doesn't need to be a real 'bartender', just someone who will pour drinks). Sparkling apple cider, ginger ale or just soda on fancy glasses and tiny umbrellas with a cherry/lemon slice on the rim of the glass will make a kiddie feel very 'special'.

  4. Just make sure the party doesn't get out of hand, keep music relatively quiet.  As long as you're not making a ruckus the cops won't notice.

  5. I cant believe you are even thinking of serving alcohol where underage people are.  You can get into so much trouble.  If the people who are going HAVE to drink, then they dont ned to come.  Just tell everyone there will be no alcohol at party.

  6. Put away a couple thousand dollars for bail money. Tell 2 of your most trusted Friends where it is so they can come and bail you out of jail.

    You cannot keep underage kids from getting into the alcohol. You will be responsible no matter what, since you brought them together.

    All you need is 1 sick kid, and parents will come out of the woodwork to sue you.

  7. Make sure the underage kids don't feel left out by serving drinks like ginger ale or sparkling apple cider. You can't get in trouble for serving non-alcoholic beverages to minors; otherwise every thirsty kid in the world would be violating the law. :)

  8.   Something like that would be hard to control. Be wise and serve drinks that would not land you or others in trouble.

  9. You can always give them non-alcoholic drinks like virgin margaritas

  10. just give the kids some sparkling cyder or some chloroform and they'll be fine (P.S. I was joking about the chloroform, don't give them chloroform)

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