
I want to improve my mouth's hygiene, I have a few questions.....

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I've basically ignored my mouth's hygiene. I'm 13, so hopefully it's not too late to start.

1. Apparently electric ones are far better than a traditional toothbrush. Is this true? Because I hate the vibration of an electric one.

2. How should I brush my teeth? I split my teeth into six parts, 3 on top, 3 on bottom. For example: 10 seconds bottom middle set, forwards part of teeth. Then top, then back. Then I repeat that on the other 5 sections.

3. Do you know a good mouthwash?

4. Can I buy dental floss in a chemist? If so, how much would this cost? (Sterling pounds)

5. Have yoiu ever seen these chewing gums that claim to help clean your teeth if you chew after a meal? Is this good for when I'm on the go and can't brush my teeth?




  1. use colgate maxfresh!

  2. definitely, it's not too late to start off with a good program of daily oral hygiene.

    - brush your teeth properly at least twice a day or every after a main meal in a circular motion for at least 1 duration of a song

    - floss your teeth carefully

    - use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid receding gums

    - use an all natural oral rinse to keep breath fresher and wash away food debris in the oral cavity

    - never use gum or mints to mask bad breath because it will only make things worse, they contain sugar that invites bacteria to speed up producttion

    - keep the mouth hydrated and salivated by taking adequate amount of water. dry mouth can cause bad breath and make you susceptible to dental problems

    - have a healthy diet to boost immune system in fighting diseases

    - avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking and alcohol drinking

    - have regular dental cleanings and check ups

    visit for more tips about good gum care.  

  3. 1. Manual toothbrushing can be as effective as brushing with an electric toothbrush. Depends on how effectively and frequently you are brushing. Always use a circular motion, hold the brush to an angle (about 45 degrees) to the tooth surface and don't rub sideways. It has to be vertically with a circular motion, with gentle force, and soft toothbrush. Also, DO NOT rush. Spend at least 3-4 minutes every time you brush your teeth. Based on that you can divide up the time for each of the segment.

    2. Regarding brushing your teeth read the following article for additional tips :

    3. Regarding the use of mouthwash you should read the following answers at Yahoo ! Answers :;...;...

    4. You can buy dental floss at any pharmacy. I don't know if you call the pharmacists the chemists in your country.

    It should cost you between 3 - 4 Sterling Pounds. Depends on the brand though. It shouldn't hurt to get the generic one, which will be cheaper. You should also read the following :

    5. There are some chewing gums that claim to clean your teeth. In fact, all sugar free gums are good to a certain degree. But you shouldn't chew gums all day long because overworking your teeth and jaws will cause the symptoms experienced with teeth grinding / bruxism :

    Hope this helps :)

  4. Brush twice a day in the morning and before bed also floss before you brush at night, and brush for 2 minutes total.

    listorene is a good mouth wash. Electric tooth brushes do help but not nessassary. Brush softly near the gum line you don't need to scrub or you can irritate your gums causeing them to resead. Small circular method is good and brsh your tounge too you have plaque there too.

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