I've basically ignored my mouth's hygiene. I'm 13, so hopefully it's not too late to start.
1. Apparently electric ones are far better than a traditional toothbrush. Is this true? Because I hate the vibration of an electric one.
2. How should I brush my teeth? I split my teeth into six parts, 3 on top, 3 on bottom. For example: 10 seconds bottom middle set, forwards part of teeth. Then top, then back. Then I repeat that on the other 5 sections.
3. Do you know a good mouthwash?
4. Can I buy dental floss in a chemist? If so, how much would this cost? (Sterling pounds)
5. Have yoiu ever seen these chewing gums that claim to help clean your teeth if you chew after a meal? Is this good for when I'm on the go and can't brush my teeth?