
I want to improve my voice can somebody help me out?

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Im a member of a band but im still satisfied with my voice i just want to have some tips on u ghuyz thanks




  1. I reckon do a lot of technique and breathing work- that's the most important- to increase flexibility within the voicebox and all...

    Do some breathing exercises, technique everyday, even if it's just for a few minutes.

    Is there something in particular that's bothering you about your voice?

    I'm sure you have a great voice- you just have to fall in love with it!  

  2. Try some sing lessons. It a slow process but you will get there if you try hard enough.

    Good Luck

  3. This a good question that I'm surprised more vocalists or aspiring ones don't ask enough.

    Okey, let's get something out of the way early on this answer I'm going to give you. From my experience doing pro sessions and working with other vocalists, good (great) sounding performances in the studio (or live) are really all about your ability to translate/connect with your listeners. It's all about them FEELING your genuine FEELINGS.

    Partly, what I mean by feel is that sheer enjoyment of doing the actual singing. That emotional pleasure that is derived from singing itself and all the stuff it evokes in you and your unique emotional life/connection with it. If you make all of that -connect- (so they can feel you too) with your listeners.. then, you got something.

    For some this is acquired through experience and time, for others it might be just a natural thing... This ability to do what I just described is what is usually thrown around as the definition of "talent.." You might have it oryou might  not at all... in some cases you might have to develop it. This is what I wanted to get out of the way early on my answer to you... "Talent" is a very subjective term... but somehow, if you're going to be good at this, you must have it so get ready to work on developing it. Don't ever be discouraged !

    So based on what I said so far you could say that on a good "emotional" day you shouldn't have any problem singing like an ace right? Well, I wished it would be that easy, and it is maybe for some... But in my opinion all that emotional aspect of singing (in most cases and most preferably) need to be expressed through GOOD, SOLID TECHNICAL SKILLS... or you could end up sounding like a happy drunk at your local kareoke bar. Not cool...

    I was hoping to answer this question briefly, and I don't want to write an essay here. So lets summarize.Try the direction I'm giving you and you should see improvement. When you sing, you need to focus/concentrate. You need to know what you want people to get and feel about you in that particular song. In a way, you should think of singing like an actor approaches an acting role. Tell everybody how it feels to be -YOU- in relation to what the song is about.

    Now for the rest... Your singing technique should ideally  be developed. I don't think you'll regret that at all when you experience what it could do for you. Again, you might be naturally gifted... but even then, it wouldn't hurt at all to get a good vocal coach. Because if you can't control your breathing for one thing, you can't confidently control the way your emotional mood will sound. And I mean romantic, aggressive, angry, cold, sad, indifferent, you name it. In order to master your vocal instrument, just as a great saxophone player can vary, mold and manipulate the quality he wants out of his sound, you have to be diligent in your practice and the development of your sound.

    Suggestion : What does the microphone love about your voice? Try renting some studio time and bring a couple of favorite background tracks of songs you like. Sing your heart out... tell the engineer to press record and keep it rolling... Go home and listen... what do you like? What don't you like? What were you doing in those parts you sounded so cool...? How did you project your voice? Try to recreate it and add it to your bag of singing tricks... get my drift?

    As you can see I love this stuff... I can talk about it for days. But I have to go now. Send me a recording if you get a chance and care to do so. If I hear you I could probably help you even more.

    Good Luck!

  4. You cant improve your voice.........idiot. Your voice is your voice

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