
I want to installs the Sims 2 but need help...?

by  |  earlier

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the problem is that when i did install it, it would run a little slow on the computer but other than tht no problem... but now i don't have it and i have a laptop and i want to install it on the laptop. But i need more memory. Should i wait to get more memory or can i still install it...




  1. You might be able to install it but I would strongly advise against this. You could completely wreck your computer with it. Wait for more memory.  

  2. You can get more memory on your laptop by deleting pictures or saved files this is how the sims 2 goes slow and if there is not much memory sometimes the graphics look c**p so i think you should delete unwanted pictures and files so you have enough mermory trust me the same thing happened to me i bought 10 sims 2 games thinking i could play them all but found out that i had less memory on the computer.

  3. i wouldnt try installing it because it might copy over other stuff you have on your computer. i would go to future shop or best buy or something and ask them about it.  

  4. Sims 2 is very memory-hungry, especially if you start installing expansion packs. Rather wait until you have more memory (You do not say how much you have at the moment) Also, the addition of a fairly good graphics card won't hurt either. And lastly, frankly, it's not something that will ever run properly on the average laptop. Sorry. I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear.

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