
I want to invest at oil stock, how can do it?

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I want to invest at oil stock, how can do it?




  1. Deposit money into a brokerage account.  Then buy the oil related stock of you choice.  I would use a reference source such as Value Line, Investors Business Daily, Morning-star.  Go with a discount broker. The commissions are much less. Ask questions when you visit a broker's office. Watch your investment like a hawk!

  2. Feel free to invest in what you'd like, but when oil is as an all time high, why wouldn't you invest in one of its substitutes? For example...when gas gets expensive, people look to other energy sources. Think Coal, wind power, hyroelectric etc. These are the companies that will start to do really well as the demand for oil decreases given the price increases.

  3. I would suggest you make sure what you are doing and whether you are confident in investing in oil now (I would suggest you focus more on Energy industry as a whole rather than focusing on oil which might be risky).

    Now to answer your question, and be brief, you have 4 options:

    - Buy some individual stocks of oil-related companies such as drilling, exploration, refineries, suppliers to these companies ... But in general individual stocks are not correlated with the price of oil (they get squeezed even if the price gets more expansive, look as Exxon for example, if you invested 2 years ago, you would not be near anything close to the profits from oil itself)

    - Buy oil (or other energy) ETFs: the most traded of these are USO, DUG (DCR is getting liquidated) OIL, DIG

    - Buy sector/ industry ETFs: such as XLE (broad energy sector not only oil), OIH, XME (more about metals and mining), UNG (natural gaz), IYE (tracking DJ energy) ...

    - Or you can invest in Oil futures contracts.

    Again, I would recommend option 3.

  4. Even the big ships go down with the tide.- Let the buyer beware of ANY stock buying at this stage in the game.

    I personally would not invest any $$ in the market considering the current mess that the economy is in.

  5. Judging by you question, you should learn more about investing and what investing is all about.  You should learn how it's done, why it's done, and when it's done.

    What is an oil stock to you, is it the drilling, the supplier, the refiner, the equipment provider or the piplines or shipper,

    To invest in oil stocks you just have to go to a brokerage firm. open an account, deposit money and you're ready to buy

    You can go to some financial websites and select the companies that in the oil industry that you interest you

    Such sites would be

  6. Try the ticker USO.  Otherwise go with XOM.

  7. Zecco.

  8. This "INVESTMENT GUIDE" is more helpful for you to make your money to make money for you,without taking any risk.

    To gain more information TO INVEST IN OIL STOCKS,just gothrough the site .........


  9. My advice would be to invest in an oil ETF (Exchang Traded Fund) instead. These funds replicate directly the price of oil and unlike oil company stocks are much less correlated to the general stock market that is currently performing badly.

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