
I want to invest for my 2 year old daughters future, any ideas?

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I want to invest for my 2 year old daughters future, any ideas?

I am currently receiving $158 a month for 3 years from a home I sold and partially financed. The total will be about $6,000 in 3 years and then I will invest what I can afford after that.

I opened a regular savings account for her, But with the current cost of college, and to think of the price probably doubling in 15 or 16 years, I need a plan that will yield the most money.

Is a no load mutual fund better then a 529 plan ? (Texas)

or should I open an IRA in her name?

What is the minimum age for an IRA?




  1. I believe some company req min of 18 yrs old with a earning income.  you should find an finanical planner for more options

  2. Try first investors.

  3. I bought a variable annuity for my daughter when she was two (through Vanguard).  Someday, she can annuitize and have a steady stream of income,

    For those who feel they must insure their children there is a death benfit though one hope it would never be used.

    Vanguard is low cost, no load and highly rated.

  4. 1ST thing to do is to only consider companies that you know about.  2)   go online in the financial sites and obtain 10-k's and 10-Q's for those companies and crunch the numbers.  3) After determining te companies that you like as a result, invest. 4)  You might want to consider drip investing to save on commisions.

  5. imo, the best thing to do is provide her a good education and teach her how to handle money properly. a 529 is the best way to invest for college, so i say stick with it. $150 a month from 2-18 should yield a comfortable balance in 16 years, so plow ahead and invest more in your own retirement so she wont have to take care of you.

  6. There is no minimum age for an IRA, but the individual must have earned income in order to make a contribution.  You cannot contribute your earned income as hers.

  7. Re: 529s:

    Check if your state has one of these - it can dramatically cut the cost of college. You might want to post another question regarding this: http://www.floridastudentfinancialaid.or...

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