
I want to invest in stock market,which stocks are very helpful to short selling?

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for short selling, stock available




  1. Wouldn't everyone like to know!  If you want to sell stocks short, look for ones you expect to tank--you're betting the stock will do worse whereas everyone else is betting it'll do better.  Short selling isn't for a new investor.  If this is something you want to do, then you'll have to do more research than posting a question on Yahoo.

  2. mogali,

    i would be aricher person if i knew which share to short sell,

    act smart invest thru mutual funds or else one day your whole savings will be wiped out in a single second,

    take my word as i have experienced it in the last bull run

  3. Just asking this question shows that you haven't the experiance to sell short.  I SELL SHORT. It is more dangerous than most people understand. It takes years of experiance to do it profitably.  if you were a "short seller" you wouldn't be asking strangers (whose qualifications and motives can never be known).... what to short.

    If I've miss judged you... I'm sorry.  Here's a web site of one of the best short sellers I've ever seen;

  4. Given the nature of the question and its import, the very relevance of the query is lost.

    However, if you are just starting out with the investing exercise, we would strongly recommend that you read a few good books on investment management. You may consider doing a search at using the keywords "investment management".

    Happy investing,


  5. If u use my system u will now exactly when to short a stock.

    Short stocks when they have an extremely high rsi2 reading. U will make money each and every time.

    On April 4, 2008 I shorted SPWR because it had a very high rsi2 reading I bought it Friday and sold it for big profit Monday.

    If u use my system u will know exactly when to short a stock and will always make money. e-mail me if u need help understanding my system

    Do not listen to most people here on this board as they know nothing.

  6. I don't know about short selling, but Micron is a good one to buy right now.  They are located in my state.  MU is the symbol.  

  7. Ask to god

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