
I want to join NEA without local

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I am sick of my local education association. I am canceling my membership. But on the NEA(national education associations) website it seems that I will also be enrolled in the local and state part. I only want the NEA insurance. Paying for local reps. salary is not my idea of a good time. any suggestions of how to join NEA without messing locally




  1. Whether you're fully aware of it or not, the NEA is your friend when you need help. I'd suck up whatever politics there are in your area, because as teachers, we're in the line of fire all the time and you need someone to have your back.

  2. You cannot.

    Education is a states issue - and NEA recognizes this by directing their members through the states. From their "about us page":

    "In all cases, to become a member of the NEA, contact your state affiliate."

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