
I want to join VolleyBall(freshmen team) but ive never been to there!?

by  |  earlier

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im going to be a freshmen in august and that when the volleyball team tryouts are!!i really need help with that ive never been to can you give me tips on how i can prepare!tell me your stries if you tried out for the team ! ill take any advice plz..thanks for your help!! =)




  1. Just go out there and do your best. I've been doing track and basketball for 3 years since my freshman year.

  2. OMGS! I get soooooo nervous for volleyball try-outs but when i got there they were'nt so bad just have your mom get you a volleyball and start practicing by like hitting off a wall or if any of your friends have experience have them teach you!

  3. Well nobody has been to the tryouts, you just have to be ready and wing it.

    im going to be a freshman also so i really don't have a story

    i'm a middle ( 5'5-ish) but theres really no set height, just be asble to jump high

  4. just be yourself be serious but still have funn and just try dont get down if you cant do something and dont automatically assume you cant do anything*MOST OF ALL:DONT ASSUME THE COACHES STOP WATCHING WHEN YOU ARENT ON THE COURT.*(meaning watch how you act on and off the court.).

    Story Time:

    My freshman year i tried out and couldn't serve at all and thought that i hadn't made it but i got called back to be on the team because i kept my attitude positive


    and BTW.

    They make you run the mile but dont make you have a time limit and you can be any hight to do middle blocker (if your short then practice jumping) example: im 5'5 but your middle blockers are usually 5'8+ so i have to be able to jump2 inches in the air to make up for the hieght deficit.

    Good Luckk,

  5. Every school is different, but one thing that would really help is if you have a friend or relative who has played organized volleyball.  Get a ball and just go pass (bumping and setting) back and forth on the lawn until you can mostly make the ball go where you want.

    Coaches usually pay a lot of attention to your attitude when you are trying out for freshman, so work your tail off and they will notice.  We kept one girl on the team, even though she was a total beginner and the shortest girl at tryouts because she was the hardest worker there.

  6. Hey, i just finished my freshman year in june and i tried out for the volleyball team and made it. when you go into try outs, dont sweat it! remember that everyone is just as nervous as you are! the skills that you should make sure you are very good at are bumping, serving, setting (only if you are going to be a setter) and of course hitting! if you just practice these skills before tryouts then im sure you'll get on to the team, good luck and have fun!

  7. Volleyball is such a great sport to get into! It keeps you socialized, active and best of all you get to be with you friends. First, you need to know the basics. Bumping, setting, serving, and spiking are the basic volleyball points.

    BUMPING: This is the basic form of passing the volleyball. This is really easy to practice at home. Find a open wall and bump the ball to and from the wall. Passing is when you bump the ball to your teammates. Work on this with a friend.

    SETTING: You can also work on this at home. Setting is used when the ball is too high to bump or it is used to set someone up for a spike. It is simply pushing the ball up and outward with your fingertips. You can also use the bumping practice method for this.

    SERVING: There are two ways to serve: underhand and overhand. You can practice this in a gym where there is a net. Make sure you have a good toss; the ideal toss isn't too high or too low.

    SPIKING: Spiking can really only be practiced on a net, but you can find a wall and practice hitting down on the wall so it bounces back to you. When you have the net, practice your approach. Whichever foot is comfortbale, step a large step first and then two smaller steps to follow and smack the ball DOWN.

    The coaches will look for someone who is agressive, calls the ball, and moves around the court. Make sure you speak whenever you can, calling FREE, or SPIKE or MINE. Talk!

    I wish you the best of luck!

  8. Just be ready to play your best! Always be loud and cheer others on because most coaches want that for their team. Also be ready to do stuff that you are not good at. Just because you cant do it doesnt mean that the coaches are going to cut you, its just showing them what your strenghtes and weaknesses are. To prepare work on arm swings and aproaches(if you are a hitter) and be sure to remember to stay low on defense all of the fundamentals will come in handy during tryouts. Good Luck!

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