
I want to join a non-Muslim PRO Al Qaeda Sympathisers group - perhaps bringing it into New Zealand?

by  |  earlier

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gees, whats poor white-gal to do?




  1. What what an interesting question!

    ....i cant see you getting very far though, i think you might be biting off more than you can chew. Im sure if you asked the Al-Qaeda muslim supporters they would want you to conform to EVERY islamic belief INCLUDING the oppression of women. :-)

  2. HAHAHA! That is the funniest thing I have ever read!

    And having reviewed you postings, .....I'd say you are once again grasping at straws, wanting to be noticed, crying out to be identified.

    Which religion will you be supporting / vilifying next week?

    Good Luck on your search.


  3. America needs al Qaeda.  People have short memories.  I remember the 1980s when the Russians occupied Afghanistan.  The Americans supplied arms, money and training to the mujahideen, and encouraged the buildup of al Qaeda.  Remember all those Rambo movies set in Afghanistan?  When the Soviet empire collapsed America needed a new enemy so they chose the Islamic world.  And the two countries which provide the most support for al Qaeda are Saudi and Pakistan, both of which are America's allies.  Nobody fingered in connection with the 911 attacks was Iraqi or had any connection with Saddam Hussein.  During the 1980s while Iraq and Iran were at war with each other, America supported Saddam to the tune of billions of dollars worth of weapons, including chemical weapons.  Remember the first large scale terrorist attack on America was the Oklahoma bombing in 1996, committed by Christian, not Islamic fundamentalists.  Christians, Jews and Moslems all worship the same god and only differ on a few subtle philosophical points.  Why bother to fight for any of the buggers?  If all the money spent on middle Eastern wars since 1947 had been spent constructively, countries like Israel, Syria and Iraq would have higher standards of living than Germany or Sweden.

  4. Al-Quada was created by the US government to point a finger at other than the Taliban.

    Al-Quida is an idea not an organization,

    Become an Anarchist, civil disobedience is anarchy, Ghandi's movement in India was anarchy.

  5. While there is nothing wrong with being anti-capitalistic or indeed anti white ssupremacy, you need to think long and hard about the implications of religious extremism and what they are actually supporting.

    Oppression of women is just one of the issues, lack of religious freedom is another - which raises huge questions about personal rights.

    Dammit people die in certain countries for denouncing a religion. That's harsh, very very harsh.


  7. You disgust me.  What's wrong with you?  Nobody's going to help you do this on here!

  8. You can do what you want to do - but always remember to accept the consequences of your actions - why would you sympathize with a group that blew up the twin towers in the U.S.?   They send retarded woman strapped with a bomb to kill the innocent woman and children.  I could go on.

    Yes, politicians can be corrupt as well as police officers but I believe you are being stereotypical.  

    You will do what you want - but there are two sides to the coin.  I am white - and believe all races should have the same rights regardless of their color or nationality.

    I do not however condone mass murder as a solution for world problems or young boys being handed rifles to shoot at will.....

  9. hahahahahooooooooooooo what???????!!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. Go to this website to start

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