
I want to join a sport of some sort at a comm. center but I dont know what. Any suggestions?

by Guest57857  |  earlier

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Im a junior in highschool and I want to get off my butt and do something physical because I have been spending my entire summer sitting. I have done soccer in the past but I quit since my friend was no longer in it and Ive also tried karate when I was younger but it wasn't for me. If I do find a sport, Im not sure what to go with because I dont want something that will completely drain me since Im not that athletic.




  1. you should try lacrosse. i'm like you i have tried alot of sports but none was for me. i took a leap of chance and tried lacrosse its super fun and you make alot of friends. it is hard work and you do have to be in shape but all you have to do is just work hard and train. when i started lacrosse i was out of shape but by the end of the season i was in the best shape of my life. i fell in love with the sport. there's really no sport that you don't have to be in shape in order to do. ping pong, tennis, gymnastics, cheerleading, you all have to be in shape. but just train and you will be fine. go harder little by little. don't start runnning 5 miles when you first start. start by running 1 mile a day or even less! just slowly week by week increase how far you run. its hard but the overall benefit is way worth it.

  2. Well you can try Skate boarding its fun and u push alot so that counts right

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