
I want to join my local Boxing Club but I am very shy- do I have anything to worry about, in reality?

by  |  earlier

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Hello! I'm 22 and I'd like to try my hand at amateur boxing. I've walked down to my local club a number of times but I am very shy. Every time I get to the door I walk away as I get scared by all the guys in there who look hard and as if they've been boxing for years.

Do I have anything to worry about? Am I too old to be thinking of starting amateur boxing? I'm not too fit at the moment, but I am not a wreck, will they train me up or do I need to be in tip-top shapre before I approach them?

Any help welcome. Thanks!




  1. Meh, it is quite dangerous, I'm a former pro-kickboxer, (the real man's version of boxing), and I've suffered from bruised ribs, dislocated jaw, fractures, bruising, sprains, being bloodied open, the most common semi-severe injuries you'll suffer will be broken nose and broken fingers, and these will heal for the most part within a few weeks.

    Even though now I'm a WAKF Middleweight, back when I was active, I was at the top end of the Lightweight scale, (weighing in at an average of 147lbs, with the upper limit being 150lbs), and whilst it's not necessarily an advantage being at the top end of the scale, you're allowed to participate in any catagory at the level you're in, or above, so for example, a super-welterweight would be able to compete in the super-middleweight catagory, but a heavyweight wouldn't be able to compete in the flyweight catagory.

    If you're not willing to put your body on the line, then it's not for you.

  2. Don't worry, they will not put you in the ring with the meanest man there. Yes they probably are hard, that is the nature of boxers. If you try to relax when you meet them and smile and be friendly you will most probably find they are a great bunch and could be your friends for life. And yes, they do not expect you to be super fit, they have a good training regime to get you fit. Good luck!

  3. Think of it this way.... You have to start somewhere right?  weight lifters don't start that big, they had to start somewhere.  Same with the boxers, I'm sure everyone in there are friendly, and the ones that aren't, are controlled by trainers.  No worries, walk in and ask questions, look around, talk to people.

  4. The sooner the better, most of the people in there are probaly there for the same reasons you are. You got to start somewhere and they know it, if you prove that you are willing to go 100%, they'll see that and have respect for you. So go give it all you got, or nothing at all.

    Good luck

  5. the longer you leave it, the worse/harder it will be. Yes, there will be children there who have been boxing for 10 years etcetera, but you have to start at some point.

    there are boxers who started in their twenties and became world champions.

  6. dont be shy, just go in and join, all those big guys in there had to join at some stage aswell. they might look buff and mean but they work hard to get that shape .

    the trainers will help you get in shape.

    go for it.

  7. Why do you want to get your brains relocated?  If you insist,  make sure the place is properly supervised to prevent someone , who is a novice, from getting injured by an experienced boxer.

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