
I want to join the Air Force. Is it possible that I may not actually have the job that I was told I could have

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at MEPS?




  1. If you were 'promised' a certain job, the only way that you can ensure that you will get it is to make sure it is in the contract that you sign. If you signed one and it didn't have the promised job listed in it, then you are at the mercy of the air force.  

  2. MEPS will have to give you a guaranteed job (in contract)... if it's not guaranteed, you'll be put into whatever they pick out for you

  3. Yes unless it is a guaranteed job contract.  There are also guaranteed job field contracts which means they will place you in a specific job field but not identify the job until the time comes and then it is based on their needs.  These two contracts are offered at various times or in conjunction with other things like six year enlistments or enlistment into career fields or jobs with a high need and high test scores (and you have the test scores to qualify for it).  A lot of things can have an impact on all this like when you are entering the service, what programs in the service are increasing their manning and operations and which ones are being downsized, or new technology being used or implemented into existing programs and jobs.  

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