
I want to join the Tennis Team at my school...?

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I am already on the Swim team, and I joined a club team for swim for over the summer.

The Tennis Season starts in fall, but my dad wont let me joon because he thinks that participating in 2 sports makes no sense, but i dont agree with him.

Do you think he is being unreasonable?




  1. He does not agree maybe because he dosen't want you to tire yourself out. Joining two sports may really be stressing. perheps if you really like tennis, learn it somewhere else where you don not need to have such vigorous trainings.

  2. no it is normal to be in two sports...almost all the kids in my school play atleast two if not is good too because it varies the muscles you use and will help prevent injuries(i read that somewhere)

  3. I totally agree with you b/c i tried out for my school team, and my father all of a sudden decides that i need to pay more attention to school. I think that he isn't being completely unreasonable, but you should do what you want to do. I mean kept with it, and nothing bad ever happened.  Yes, i did have to work a little harder and study a little more, but it was all worth it. Go for whatever you want to, and listen to him. Sometimes you may not want to, but parents do know best (yeah right)  :D

  4. It really depends... are swimming and tennis going on at the same time? If they are, then I suggest sticking to one sport. you could do swimming this year and tennis next year. Doing two sports in the same season is possible, but difficult. Just ask yourself if your ready for the challenge.

  5. Yes, I do think he is being unreasonable, however there are two points of view here. I can see why he wouldn't want you playing too many sports because you may get stressed and worn out. He may also want you to focus on school. However, at the end of the day, it is your decision - what to do, and what not to do.

    I would suggest you have a talk with him, and tell him you really want to join. Say you'll try it out, and if you feel that something is wrong (grades slipping, tired all the time, frustrated), then you'll take yourself out. But if it all works out, that's great. Participating in activities is a good thing. Playing tennis along with swimming, you'll become strong, athletic, and active.

  6. he has a point.. if u over play in sports... in the long run u will get yourself rundown.. your quality will go down in your performance and u will suffer...

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