
I want to join the airforce... can the airforce get me a green card?

by  |  earlier

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I just finished american highschool.... but im a german by law. I want to join the airforce and become american. what kind of green card do i need. can someone help me with it? please help me with these answers.




  1. You need to have been an American citizen for at least 5 years before you're allowed to join their forces.

  2. Forget it, you dont qualify.  You will have to be satisfied with joining the German AF.

  3. u need to be american in order to join american forces

  4. You can not join the US military unless you are already a legal permanent resident or US citizen. It sounds like you are in the US illegally.

  5. The Air Force takes lots of nonresident aliens, and you usually get stationed first in your home nation.  Definitely talk with a recruiter, but be skeptical; they're like car salesmen.  Take an adult with you and make sure you get any promises or guarantees in writing and signed by the recruiter's commander.

    Normally, my experience was that the nonresident did get higher priority for application of citizenship depending upon the quality and length of their service.

    Good luck!

  6. was ist los knodel kopf?!

    You need to be a legal resident of the U.S. of A. in order to get a "green card"

    Marry a hot American citizen  fraulein or a horny MILF  is your other option!

  7. The AirForce is the hardest branch of service to join.  Your best bet would be to go and talk to a Recruiter.  My brother in law is an AirForce recruiter and they should be able to find any information you would need to join.  Good luck!

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