
I want to join the marines?

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I scored a 33 on the asvab test.

what can i do when i join it. my recruiter said i can be a administrater. what is that? what other type can i be other than infuntry.

i still want to come back to my family




  1. 33 is pretty low, i think its one of the lowest qualifying scores, but you can retake the test as previously stated.Administrator is office work, the ins and outs of the Marine Corps, you have to score relatively moderate to be in the Infantry, and last time i checked they are overbooked for quite a time here.

  2. Being an administrator in the Marine Corps can be a number of things. You can be issuing TP to troops in the battle field (ordering barrels to use as toilets) or you can be the one at the base personal support detachment office pushing paper work until late at night. My advice to you is to study hard and take the ASVAB again in order to score no less than a 60 so that you can get a MOS in Intel, or information processing. Regardless of what you chose to do, you're a Marine before you're anything else. So you'll always run the chance of being stuck in a foxhole with a jar head who knows absolutely nothing but HOORRHHAA  KILL!

    I hate to see anyone join the military with no clue of the jobs they qualify for. Ask the recruiter to give you a listing of everything that you qualify for based on the score that you receive. And I can't stress this enough; IMPROVE YOUR SCORE! Take the test as many times as you can. I know, because I took mine twice. The second time I got a 55, but I wish I would have taken it again to go Nuke in Navy school.

    Do not sign any paperwork until you score high enough to work in a field that deals with satellites, telecommunications, and computers (which could put you in the battle field) but that's what pays the big bucks when you separate from active duty. No matter what you do in the Corps you'll always have the chance of being deployed. We call you guys "bullet sponges" in the Navy (just joking, don't take it personal devil dogs).

    And don’t get caught up in signing up for the Corps because you think “its bad ***”. Weigh you other options as well. Pick the service you want to serve in based on the training they will offer you. The Marines and the Army are looking for new recruits to put out there on that next rotation to Iraqi; to tell you the truth, they all are. I have Navy and Air Force buddies who’re chewing dirt as we speak. Rember, 60 or higher, Computers, Intelligence, Satellite Communications! You’ll thank me for it.

  3. Marine Infantry after you master the English Language (spelling & grammar)!

  4. Well, if you join, you're going to serve a deployment in Iraq or Afghanistan, get over it.

    I know supply clerks who patrol. You will get shot at.

    You think every person in the military doesn't want to come home? Think you're special? Sounds like you need to consider another career path.

  5. Why would you make a stupid statement such as "i still want to come back to my family"?..never mind I know exactly why you made that statement..

  6. WOW....I guess your recruiter has never seen your awesome spelling and typing skills if he suggested admin.  

    Why would you want to join an organization that professes "Every Marine a Rifleman" and that is set up to suport the INFANTRY if you're afraid?  Guess what?  Most of us do make it back to our families and on top of that we don't have to lie to our wives/girlfriends/family/friends about being in combat like pogues do.   :-/  Honestly, why be a Marine and do a job that you can do in the civilian world.

    Go to the library.  There are books that will help you study for the ASVAB.  Study for a few months retake it and see what happens.

  7. you can always retake the test. there's not a whole lot you can do with that score. whatever you do be very careful when you pick a job and make sure you have all the facts on it or you can get stuck in something you hate.

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