
I want to join the marines.?

by  |  earlier

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Im thinking about joining the marines and i was wondering how is it like?

Im 15 and how old you got to be to join?

Does every body take a bath together or by your selfs.




  1. Wow you're joining the Marines and you're biggest worry is that they'll see you have a small d**k. Good luck

  2. You can't join until  you're 18.  In boot camp, you'll have very little privacy.  The only concession to modesty the Corps allows is that women sleep and shower separately from the men.  But yes - you will likely find community showers in the women's barracks.  You'll be too tired, by the time you hit those showers, to worry about other women seeing you naked.  The men won't; they're not allowed in the women's barracks.  There are female Drill Instructors.

    Oops - for some reason I assumed you're a girl.  Excuse me if you're not - no insult was intended.

    Boot camp is very demanding - but you can do it.  When you stand there in your dress uniform waiting to begin your graduation ceremony, you'll know you're special and part of a very special group:  you'll be able to claim the title of United States Marine!  Hooah!  Semper Fi!

  3. i dunno but the oldest they accept is 25 years of age.

  4. This is a big decision.  Wait a few years to think about the commitment  you will be making.  Anyway I don't think they will accept a 15 year old....too young.

  5. You shower! and it by yourself! If your tough and got balls and not a whiner then this life is for you and most of all its for your country, And its no games when your called for war its for real!

  6. I will tell you this about the marines.It is a dogs life.They do every dirty job imaginable.Shower??The first Marines in Iraq did not shower for a month or two..While I admire your courage and your willingness to serve,the marines might not be the best choice.The air force or coast guard would be a better choice.If you are dead set on joining the marines good luck and God Bless.

  7. You can enlist at 17 with permission from mom and dad or 18 on your own..and dont worry about your chili pepper dude..As you get older that stuff wont bother you as much..

    You can read here about what it means and takes to be a Marine.

    You can contact me if you have any other questions.

  8. you bathe each other, its called brotherhood

  9. Ben that wasn't a very good reply, shame on you.

  10. You have to be at least 17 to join but you have to have a parents consent otherwise 18. Yes you probably will shower together, but that will be the least of your worries.

  11. people in h**l want icewater.

  12. You have to graduate from high school, or get a GED to be eligable. In the MArines you dont take baths, you take showers and if you are in war or Bootcamp then yeah you will shower together. No biggie. But on base you probably take a private shower. The Marines is a great branch. Good luck

  13. hope wars over by the time you join. and marines also bath in the jungles for days and nights with nothing more then leaves and dirty water. if your lucky you have drinking water in your container, depending what day it is.

  14. i think ur at least have to be 17,

    joining marines is a big committment, at least 3 yrs at duty,

    yeah, u bath together, lol,

    ppl dont pay tax for mariners to have their own bath tub

  15. Well i am in the Marines, and I can say that yes, in boot camp and MCT/ITB everyone showers together. I didn't like it when I first got to boot but I started to like it tword the end. now i miss it. I had fun at MCT but was miserable, but got used to it. now I miss it. At my MOS school in Pensacola, Fl. I had way more good times, but took a lot of **** because we where students, but I got used to it. Now I miss it. Now I am in the fleet stationed at MCAS Yuma, and I didn't know what to think for the first 8 hours, then I found that I love it, and when I leave, I'll miss it. As long as you are open minded and don't have a problem with people telling you what to do, at the beginning rudely, you'll be fine. You give up a lot of freedom but it's not bad. New friends and great benefits. My advise: since your 15 look into every branch; find a job you really like and go with it. Your recruiter will tell you anything (they're like used car salesmen!), so ask him tons of questions, about bonus' and anything you want.  

  16. Why do you want to join the marines?

    Unless you know that answer, don't join.  And if the answer is something silly, like you want to wear their dress blues or have people think you're tough like marines in the movies, don't join.  If you want a challenge and feel like sacrificing some of your individuality to be part of something bigger, you might be a good candidate.  There are ups and downs to joining any of the military services; don't join for a stupid reason.

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