
I want to join the national guard but I am positive and undetectable thanks to meds. will it show up?

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I want to join the national guard but I am positive and undetectable thanks to meds. will it show up?




  1. Positive for what?


    I appreciate your patriotism, but if you are HIV pos, you have no business enlisting.

    Picture this:

    You are out on the battlefield and an IED goes off, embedding shrapnel in your skin.  The medic rushes over, dodging enemy fire, to bandage your wound.  He himself gets cut...  and is now at risk of infection.

    Please, do not attempt to enlist; for your sake, the recruiter's sake, and the medic's sake.

  2. If i were you and i truly want to join, i would get my act cleaned up first, then i could concentrate my self on the training that it takes to become Army Strong. I am 15 years retired from the army but still am ARMY STRONG!!!

  3. umm.... i don't think you should enter anything with a lie (relationship, friendship, or national guard) but if this means alot to you you should do your search online to make sure your not playing with fire

  4. Just like SFC M asks, positive for what? HIV?!? Take his advice!

    If you're positive for drugs, then it takes as least 30 days to clear from

    your system. If you're a drug user than don't enlist because the military

    will find out because they give out random "p**s" tests all the time, & then you're really screwed because the military don't mess around. Ever hear of "Levinworth"?!? That's the military's prison & it is far worse than any state prison.  

  5. Umm, are you saying that you are positive with an STD, but taking medications that keep it in check?

    If so, you will not under any circumstance be allowed into any military branch.

    Yes, MEPS will be able to tell.

  6. Positive for what???

  7. Positve?

  8. Positive for WHAT?????

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