
I want to join the swim team but I'm afraid of water?

by Guest64285  |  earlier

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I have always had a phobia of water. I have never gotten anywhere near water but I like to swim! What do I do?




  1. I don't think you can be on a swim team if you have never been swimming.  How do you know you like to swim?  How do you take showers??

  2. This question makes no sense.

  3. Ask  around  to  find  a  toutor. Perhaps  at  a  fitness gym.  Be  honest  with  toutor  what problem  is.  It  will be  better  soon. Knowing  how  to  swim well is  a  great achievment you can use  all your  life.  

  4. the only way to break your fear of water is to swim in it.go to your local pool and start swimming,no matter how scared you are,or,you could go tubing at the lake,or go to the water park with a friend and go on the gigantic water slide.but make sure that you have a friend with you for all water activities,for one its for your own safety,for two,if you pick a good one to go with she will push you to get in the water.

  5. Get swimming lessons or something. How do you know you like to swim if you have never been near water?

  6. How do you know you like to swim if you've never gotten anywhere near water?     Try visiting a pool during quiet hours with a person you really trust so you can get used to being in the water without being scared.

  7. If you want to swim you must get over your fear of the water! Did you watch any of the Olympics? The Jones guy that was in the 1st relay 4 by 100 freestyle relay almost drown once. He was scared of the water , but decided he was going to kick the waters butt! You need to do the same thing. It is all in your head. If you think you can you can! If you think you can't you won't!!

  8. if u have never been near water then how do u know that u are really afraid. if u r scared then just put one step at a time slowly in the water. or just jump in and get over it. but if u wanna just get in the water then jump in a shallow part of the pool. or if u wanna walk in slowly then still make sure u r in shallow water and there are steps somewhere then just walk in step by step. or if there is a kittie pool, then start by walking around and sitting in there. don't worry about making a fool of yourself. people do it all the time. so i hope it works out for u. my parents said i was a screamer around the water but look at me now! i am on a team!

    good luck!

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