
I want to knit this hat?

by  |  earlier

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i really love this hat but don't want to pay twenty bucks for it. i'm sort of a beginner knitter, i've managed to do scarves and a teddy bear. it looks easy enough in the picture, but i work better with patterns. where can i find a really simple beginner pattern for a hat like this? or do you have suggestions on how to do this one? what kind of stitches should i use? how many? when should i increase or decrease the number of stitches? also, all i have are straight needles, so please no patterns that require circular ones.





  1. I'm not sure what gauge you would want to use for this hat......just use whatever is comfortable for you.  This hat looks as if it is knitted in a knit 1 purl  2 rib.  It is tight fitting at the brim and increases a lot over the course of a few rows to form the mushroom effect.  The top of the hat is a gradual decrease which probably ends in weaving the yarn into the last few stitches to close..... I hope this helps you!


    thats how to make a simple hat the other one seems a little too complicated for a begginner :\

  3. This hat will most likely require either a circular needle or a set of double-pointed ones.  That's to avoid a seam.  You may just need to bite the bullet and get one.

    To find the pattern, I would suggest using Google. Type something like "knitting pattern beret beginner free" into the search box and see what comes up.  You can also check out and and any other yarn manufacturers' websites you can find for free patterns.

  4. there are lots to choose from this link.

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