
I want to know a schedule I can go by to get better at 800m. x-!!!-xBest answer... 10 pointsx-!!!-x?

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I am trying to get really got at 800m. I am 14, and would like a weekly schedule for what I should do exactly to get to the best I can. My best time is 2:08, and my average 2:10, and I want to get it to below the 2 minute margin.





  1. Try several different types of training sessions - Ill give you some ideas, but I wont give you a schedule like "Monday, run 100m sprints..." because I don't know your lifestyle. You will have to make up the schedule yourself.

    So to increase speed do repetitions of speed running in a training session. For example, sprint 100 or 200m, rest walk back and repeat. This builds up speed. Try to find a hill to run down, jog up, rest and repeat, again this builds up speed in your legs

    You also need  to build up stamina to make sure you don't get tired and slow before the end of 800m. Try running 1km then rest and repeat.

    Then you might need some leg muscles, and for that you can find a hill to run up hard, rest at the top, jog down and repeat.

    That's the running sessions. Then you might want to consider weight training. Go for all over toning, such as legs, core muscles and arms

  2. for a 14 year old you time is not bad at all.  i would first work on conditioning.  before you can even think of speed work, you have to have the base mileage to have the conditioning to do speed work effectively.  even olympic sprinters go out for some kind of a distance runs for conditioning.  i would recommend running cross country in the fall.  that way you will have someone to train with and you will have conditioning that comes with cross country.  at the beginning of the season do longer intervals.  then work down to shorter more speed orriented based intervals

    example beginning of season:

    Monday: 1k-1200s

    Tuesday: Distance run with strides

    Wednesday: 600s-800s

    Thursday Distance with Strides

    Friday: Prep for race (or distance)

    Saturday: Race   (or a tempo run)

    Sunday Recovery long run  (longer than the Tue, Thur runs)

    Near end of season example

    Monday: 400-600s

    Tuesday: Distance with strides

    Wednesday: 200s-400s.  (200s i would do like you are simulating a race for under 2 minutes (or your goal))  use this to work on your race strategy.

    Thursday: Distance with strides.

    Friday: Prep for race

    Saturday: Race

    Note: both of the above are just examples i threw together as i typed but are similar to workouts i would do my senior year.  

    the main thing is to stay motivated and work hard.  at 14 2:08 is pretty good.  i ran a 2:05 at that age and you have plenty of time to improve.  good luck!

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