
I want to know about 10 questions related to flowers?

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i want to ask in a competition so the answers should be short and crisp.




  1. 1. What is the difference between a monopodial and a sympodial     orchid?

    A monopodial orchid grows straight upward with leaves forming at the top as well as flowers.

    A Sympodial orchid has a horizontal growth pattern along the growing mediums surface called a rhizome.

    2. What is the definition of an Epiphyte?

    Epiphytes are flowering plants that grow in the branches of trees. They are not parasitic. They get their nourishment from decaying plant and animal matter that collects around their roots.


    3. Can you name two types of vegetative plant propagation/reproduction?

    Plantlets – plants produce miniature replicas of themselves that touch the soil and set roots.

    Division – plants that grow in clumps can be pulled apart – with each piece having its own roots and planted separately.  

    4. If a flower is categorized as having an urceolate form, what shape does it have?

    Pitcher shaped or the shape of an urn.

    5. What are three variety of methods vines use to attach themselves to supports?

    They send out rootlets that cling to supports.

    They send out tendrils that wrap around anything they touch.

    They twine themselves around the supports.

    6. What does it mean if a shrub or vine has been espaliered?

    It is a container grown plant trained to grow against a flat surface such as a trellis or wire. A procedure devised in Europe to save space.  

    7. What does it mean if a leaf or flower is variegated?

    A phenomenon where leaves or flowers have lines or patches of two or more different colors.

    8. What does it mean if a flowering plant is a Biennial?

    These plants have a life cycle of two years. The first year is root and vegetative growth. The second year the plants flower, go to seed and die.

    9. A flower is made up of many parts. What is the function of the stigma?

    The stigma has a sticky substance that the pollen adheres to allowing fertilization to take place and a seed to be formed.

    10. What do you need to do if the seeds of a flowering plant need stratification before they are planted?

    They need to be placed in damp sand, sawdust or peat moss until the outside seed shell softens enough for roots to penetrate.

    This was the best I could do. I hope it helps you out a bit.

    I’d like to add a little information.

    I think you should spend more time doing your own research and homework and less time asking other people to do it for you.

    You will learn more and retain more.

    You will also develop skills that will probably make you less lazy and more interested in education for education sake rather than – because you HAVE TO do it.

    You will learn how to use YOUR brain and not someone else's.

    Good luck anyway.

  2. Here's one.  Question?  What fruit has no flower?  Actually it has a flower within the fruit.  Answer - Figs.

    You can get a lot of trivia facts on flowers here at:

    Here's one:The World's Largest Flower

    The Titan Arum is not only the world's largest flower it is also the world's smelliest.

    This native of the central Sumatran rainforests is known affectionately as the Corpse Flower for its heady perfume of rotting flesh. It is 3 metres high

  3. I can't give u ten questions, since I don't know much about flowers. However, I recently noticed that most flowers are either odourless, or smell nice. However, there is one exception.

    The Sunflower. Smell the brown part of it carefully. It stinks so bad, it makes u depressed. So, u can ask ur question:

    'Which flower stinks?'

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