
I want to know about AhnSahngHong in the Church of God World Mission Society?

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I want to talk about my companion's religion.

In fact she goes to the Church of God World Mission Society.

Then.... There is something strange.

I know Church of God's members worship on Saturday, Sabbath.

As I know Sabbath is Saturday not Sunday so I can understand it.

The something strange is AhnSahngHong in the Church of God World Mission Society.

I'm so wondering about AhnSahngHong believing in the Church of God.

She said "Christ AhnSahngHong is Second Coming Christ testified the Bible,

He came to this earth for our salvation.

Are there any proofs AhnSahngHong is Second Coming Christ??




  1. Isa. 41:4 『"Who has done this and carried it through, calling forth the generations from the beginning? I, the LORD—with the first of them and with the last—I am he."』

    The one whom God "has stirred up" is God, Himself. This prophecy means that God Himself will come in the flesh, from the east. "The one" who came in fulfillment of this prophecy is God Ahnsahnghong.

    In chapter 46 of the same book, Isaiah, it is written:

    Isa. 46:11 『From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do.』

    The prophet Isaiah recorded again about "the one" who would arise from the east, from a far-off land. In the Bible, a bird of prey—or, an eagle—represents God (Deut. 32:11; Ex. 19:4). Since this "bird of prey" coming from the east is described as a man who would fulfill God’s purpose, it is very clear that God, Himself, would come from the east as a man, in the flesh. The one who fulfilled this prophecy is God Ahnsahnghong.

  2. Christ Ahnsahngong, who restored the Passover of the New Covenant

    The Passover was abolished at the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325. At that time, the Passover completely disappeared from the world. Who on earth can have eternal life as the truth of life was abolished? Therefore, Jesus said that He would come a second time to restore the Passover.

    Heb. 9:28 『 Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.』

    Ahnsahnghong restored the Passover of the new covenant that had been abolished by Satan. Then, who do you think Ahnsahnghong is?

    Isa. 25:6-9 『On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine-the best of meats and the finest of wines. On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth. The LORD has spoken. In that day they will say, "Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation."』

    Ahnsahnghong, who restored the Passover of the new covenant, is the Second Coming Christ-God-who appeared in accordance with all of the prophecies of the Bible. The saints of the Early Church had cherished and celebrated the Passover of the new covenant! Christ Ahnsahnghong came in the flesh and restored the Passover so that we may be saved from the impending plagues. The Passover of the new covenant is the very gospel of Christ.

  3. you should ask this ? in religion & spirituality. it dose sound just as superstition as the other Abraham religions.

  4. No, there are no proofs.

    Ask your companion if you are permitted to marry her and not join the faith.

    If she says, "no," than run.  Many of these sort of groups grow by having their flocks recruit from the outside through romantic relationships.

    Wow, within ten minutes, you have three full length answers supporting his being a Christ when the world population of his followers isn't even1%.of the world population, and the vast majority of those don't speak English but Korean.

    And you didn't even ask the question in religion, but in history.

    Interesting.  Makes me think it was a planted question for purposes of people googling the question later on.  I guess we'll know when we see what's chosen as the best answer.

  5. "Why isn't He God?"

    Is it because He appeared in the flesh that He couldn't be God?

    Or is it because He came from Korea?

    Or because He died? All the reasons are not sustainable.

    Why? Because Jesus Christ was God; He appeared in the flesh;

    He came from Israel; and He also died.

    Jesus Christ did everything according to prophecy of scripture,

    but most importantly He showed how to have eternal life, something that only God can do.

    Christ Ahnsahnghong also gave us the way to have eternal life.

    Therefore He is Second Coming Christ, and God.

    Please, try to answer the question, "Why isn't He God?" God Bless You.

  6. Yes, Christ Ahnsahnghong is God who Bible testify.

    Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. [Hebrew 9:27-28]

    This is the word of God in the Bible.

    We have to concern ourselves with this word,

    because according to this verse Jesus will appear second time.

    What does it mean he will appear a SECOND time?

    Do you remember how he appeared the first time 2,000 years ago?

    He came in the flesh just like one of us;

    he spoke, ate, and laughed with us.

    Jesus Christ went up to heaven in A.D. 33,

    to fulfill the prophecy in the Bible.

    Also, we can see another verse: Jesus Christ will appear a second time.

    We must pay close attention to this word of God, because the purpose of His coming is for our salvation.

    Without meeting him, we cannot receive salvation in this last age.

    ‘Appear’ means our eyes would be able to see him in person.

    Then, how, where, and when will He appear?

    Clearly, we can understand Jesus Christ will come

    in the flesh a second time.

    Then, how many people understood and believed that Jesus Christ must first come again for our salvation, and later for judgment?

    Christ Ahnsanghong, Second Coming Jesus Christ,

    came in the flesh in 1948.

    We know He is the One because

    only He was able to reveal all the truths in the Bible.

    please find out more through the Bible and receive the Christ Ahnsahnghong.

  7. All the proof is in the Bible.  

    Those who say there is no proof, either do not know Bible prophecy or do not beleive in the Bible.

    Christ Ahnsahnghong fulfilled all of the prophecies of the second coming Christ just as Christ Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies of the first coming Christ.

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