
I want to know about originality of freemason movement which is started by jewsh to build tempal of solomon.?

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i think it was started during crusades and work contineously for estblishing a separate homeland for jewsh in pelastine.




  1. The First Temple was built by King Solomon in seven years during the 10th century BCE in 957 BCE. It was the center of ancient Judaism.The Temple replaced the Tabernacle of Moses and the Tabernacles at Shiloh, Nov, and Givon as the central focus of Jewish faith. This First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. Construction of a new temple was begun in 535 BCE; after a hiatus, work resumed ca. 521, with completion occurring in 516 BCE and dedication in 515. As described in the Book of Ezra, rebuilding of the Temple was authorized by Cyrus the Great and ratified by Darius the Great. Five centuries later, this Second Temple was renovated by Herod the Great in about 20 BCE. It was subsequently destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. All of the outer walls still stand, although the Temple itself has long since been destroyed, and for many years it was believed that the western wall of the complex was the only wall standing.

    An Islamic shrine, the Dome of the Rock, has stood on the site of the Temple since the late 7th Century CE, and the al-Aqsa Mosque, from roughly the same period, also stands on the Temple courtyard.

    Those are just obscure theories that the freemasons were responble for the Temple. Which I believe they were not! There is Evidence that the Freemason order is origionally from the Templars (Knights from the crusades that helped guard pilgrams travel from Europe to the holy lands, and also made the first true banking system). The King of France ordered all of their order to be killed on Friday the 13th (Hence the idea that that day is unlucky), but not all were killed and those who escaped fled to the alps, and the french king sent an army into the alps after information that the rest ot the order was there. The army was said to be destroyed by so called "Peasants". (Some say the "Peasants" were actually the rest of the order.

    That is one theory. Another is that they actually became the Freemasons in Scotland. There was a church found on a remote island somewhere near Britain and Norway I'm not sure, but the church was built using tools, and designs that the templars designed and were much to advanced for the other peoples of the area to have built it.

    Much suspicioun clouds the origion of the Freemasons, we may never know for certain, and in my opinion it is something we should not know. Its strange for me to think this cus I'm young archaeologist.

    So to answer your question the Temple could have been built to the masons choosing but it is unlikely. Mostly because the masons were not really an order yet and those who really began it would have left that part of the world and gone to europe. (You know the whole Da Vinci's Code deal) if you don't read that then do some real research at some college websites.

    All and all no one knows for sure, ok?

  2. Freemasonry grew out of operative masonic guilds, so the origins are ancient. The "modern" form of speculative masonic halls/Lodges started officially with the formation of the United Grand Lodge of England in 1717. However Freemasonry as a solely speculative Craft has existed since at least the 1200's.

    You are confusing Freemason history with Knights Templar history - a common problem, particularly since so many authors (and movies ala National Treasure) make that connection.

  3. Although there are Jewish Freemason's, it is not a Jewish movement and was not started by Jews.  In fact, originally Jews would not have been able to join because they were locked out of the trade guilds.  Forget the conspiracy theory nonsense.

  4. hahaha, man, if only you had learn't to spell. You would have learn't to read and then you would have become smart enough to realise how ignorant your Question is.

    So what I think you are trying to ask is,.....

    How do I become allowed into a library to learn about reading, writing, and correct speech, so that I can better myself.

    Sorry, just a harsh ramble and I apologise, I have to say,.....not sure you are being given the complete picture.

    Anyway, hit that Library!

    Good Luck.

    ps: Try using the Internet to Search for your Answers

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