
I want to know about safety driving tips as well as road rules in Texas?

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I am Sheppard from Texas, daily I came across a lot of news about road accidents and deaths. Why the accidents are taking place, is it because of careless driving or what. I want to get educated about safety driving tips and road rules in Texas. Can any one suggest me the best online resource where I can get complete info?




  1. I'm not going to give you any web site, just some actual experience.  I do not live in TX, but my dad is a winter texan. I drive my dad down to Mission every fall & then fly home until spring & fly back down  to drive him home.  I usually spend 4-7 days down there each way.  Since you really don't say what part of TX you will be living in, I can give share with you practicle experice since I drove from the top of TX down to the bottom.

    In the Huston area, rush hours seems to go on all the time.  One fender bender and every thing stops.  You could say that happens in most areas.  But the difference in TX is that the drivers just get off the road at any point- no exit needed.  

    I believe the most dangerous drivers in TX live in Austin.  I have been making the drive to & from TX for about 10 years & 90% of the time I have had near death driving experiences driving through Austin.

    San Antonio is a great area to drive through.  I never noticed any uniqueness driving through there.  Once you hit the Valley area, speeders beware.  One mile over the speed limit in the small towns will get you a speeding ticket.  I remember one year, seeing about 3 people being pulled over is this small town that the streets didn't even have curbs.  Once you're out the the small town, there really isn't much for traffic control on the highway down to the Rio Valley, except in the small towns.

    However, as you get into the Missison/McAllen area - police cars are more visible partolling.  

    Once I got down into the Mission/McAllen area, the one "road rule" I learned was that if your driving down a road & someone comes up behind you, you should move onto the shoulder & drive on the shoulder until the car drives past you.

    If you should be driving in or out of South Padre - Speeders beware.  Again,  1 mile over the limit will get you a ticket.  I was lucky enough to have know enough people who did get tickets in those "sensitive" areas that I never did get a ticket.  Even though I do tend to have a lead foot when it comes to driving. I love going down to TX every year.  It so relaxing & I greatly appreciate the hospitality that is showed toward the Winter Texans.

  2. Texas Rules of the Road

    Safe Driving Tips In Texas

  3. Statistic: about 80% of all accidents happen within 3 sec of a driver distraction (ie-talking of the cell phone, playing with iPod, car full of friends.)

    Go to  a Texes Department of Motor Vehicle office and pic up a driver handbook and read it (if you haven't already.)

  4. Hello Sheppard,

    Its very good to know the learning and knowing the Texas defensive driving tips on road safety. I think you will find the complete details here:


    Above mentioned website is providing tips for Teens also how to drive the vehicle safely.

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