
I want to know about the Tajmahal how its is found?

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i want to know abou the Tajmahal how its is found




  1. Tajmahal - A Symbol of Love near Yamuna River.

    It is in Agra, India.

    For More Details & Pictures, Try out the following sites;

  2. its a perfect combination of love,beauty and glory

    it is in agra(india),built by 'shahjahan' for his love 'mumtaz',built by purely white marble

    u would be amazed to no the fact that shahjahan ordered that the hands of those persons should be removed from their body(,who have made taj mahal,) so they should not be able to make any other beautiful monument again like taj mahal

  3. Errrrr..............Excuse me?? I'm guessing you want to go to Agra, which is in UP.

  4. There is a legend that is connected to Taj Mahal.

    Agra was once ruled by a Hindu king ( I don't remember the name). It houses various idols of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma.

    That kingdom was defeated in a war and Shah Jahan exchanged it for the life of the King. In our history you find that Taj Mahal was gifted to his wife. Why should he gift ( later when she was buried it becomes a dedication to the kingdom).

    During this period, Shah jahan demolished the Idols. Some say that even today you find idols whose heads were broken, lying in some locked rooms. Indira Gandhi was aware of it and she ordered closure of some rooms permanently. Since then no one dare unlock those doors

  5. go to agra

    well its a man hu loved his wife so much, when she died he built her the taj mahal to rest her coffin in. then he chopped off the workers hands so they couldnt do anything like it again, he wanted a black taj mahal oppisite the white one 4 him but his son imprisoned hime. but when the king died the son let him rest beside his wife in the taj mahal.

  6. It can be found in Agra ! but i am sorry to say you cannot take it with you as its a national heritage property !

  7. I am not sure I understand your question "how its found"  - if you are asking for its location, it is in Agra, India.

    If you are asking what people think of it - it is a masterpiece of Islamic architecture, design, masonary and exquisitive details.

    It is truly like nothing else and should be seen in the full moon lite night - the glow of the marble is breathtaking.

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