
I want to know abt medical and dental schools in usa?

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I'm a B.D.S from India.I want to study in medical school in U.S.A. Can i get admission, wat s d procedure. Which exams I've to appear? Fees? Which r good medical schools?




  1. First you have to have completed a 4-year degree from a university. If so, ask your university advisor to help you through the application process. Medical schools will evaluate you on your college grades, extracurricular activities, and personal characteristics. Most also require you to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), which analyzes your knowledge of the basic sciences, your reading and writing abilities, and your problem-solving skills.

    You also should consult the resource book, Medical School Admission Requirements, (MSAR)published by the Association of American Medical Colleges, which provides the specific admission requirements of each U.S. and Canadian medical school.

    Entrance requirements at most medical schools include completion of course work in biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and English. But keep your undergraduate experience well rounded by also studying humanities and the social sciences. The ideal physician understands how society works and can communicate and write well. Extracurricular experiences also are important. You may want to volunteer at a local hospital or clinic to gain practical health care experience.

    How do I choose among 125 medical schools? Ask yourself these questions: Do I prefer a small or large school? Do I like a large class or a small class? Am I interested in a career in research, in clinical practice in academic medicine? While every school offers opportunities to prepare for careers in all areas, the variety of curricular experience varies from school to school. Try to select schools that fit best your career goals.

    What kind of financial resources will I need to attend medical school? What are the costs? What types of financial aid are available at the schools I am considering?

    Most people, about 90 percent, apply to medical school at the end of their junior year in college and begin their medical studies after graduation. Others finish college and work for several years before beginning their medical education. Still others participate in "early admissions" or other collaborative programs between undergraduate colleges and medical schools, through which students with a demonstrated level of maturity and academic achievement can proceed to medical education at an accelerated pace.

    How to apply for medical school? Thanks to the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS), applying to medical school is not as complicated as you might think. Of the 125 accredited medical schools in the United States, 117 participate in the AMCAS program. To apply to any of these 117 schools, fill out an application, and send it with one set of your official transcripts to AMCAS. After the service verifies the information you provide, it distributes your application to the school(s) you have selected. For schools not participating in AMCAS, contact the admissions office directly for application procedures and materials.

    What will the schools look for and how do they decide? The key factors affecting acceptance to medical school include the following:

    Successful completion of required undergraduate courses

    Grade point average

    Performance on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)

    Extracurricular activities - especially those reflecting public or health-related service, volunteer work, and other evidence of your initiative

    Letters of recommendation from undergraduate health professions advisors and faculty members as well as physicians and other members of the health professions, community leaders, and other individuals who have employed you or supervised your volunteer experience

    Interviews with medical school admissions committees.

    The MCAT is administered twice a year. You should take the MCAT in the spring of your junior year of college or in the fall of your senior year.

    Is getting into medical school as tough as they say? No question about it-medical schools are looking for the finest minds and the most motivated students who have a strong and demonstrated interest in working with people. It takes a special type of person to even dream of a career in medicine and it takes hard work and commitment to make it to medical school. Today, only about one-half of those who apply are accepted.

  2. you have to apply to the schools. fees are different for each school.

    pick me as best answer, i am indian!

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