
I want to know abt table manners like usin a fork n d knife like how to cut hold n eat somthin like a dinner ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. My school teaches Etiquette, so here's what we were taught.

    If you are at a dinner party or having dinner at someones house, make sure you don't start until the host has.


    Napkins should never be left on the table. Lift your napkin and set on you lap, don't make a big fuss over opening it up and don't tuck into your shirt.


    If there is a bread basket, lift a piece off. Its okay to tear it, just make sure its neat and swift. Then take some butter and put on your plate, NOT on the bread, this way you wont be going to and from the butter dish. Take a bite size piece of your bread and butter from your own small butter pile.


    The fork and spoon on the outside are your utensils for appetizers.


    NEVER let used utensils touch the table again, for example;

    If your eating soup and you lift you spoon to begin, you may not set it down again until you are finished, when you then set it on the empty plate.

    If you need to take a drink, then you may rest your spoon gently INSIDE the bowl, NOT leaning against the bowl.

    Another note for soup is to never put the whole spoon in your mouth, bring it to your mouth and sip it quietly.

    Other Rules:

    Don't grab anything

    Don't talk with your mouth full

    Chew with your mouth closed

    Don't squirm

    Don't smoke

    Excuse yourself before leaving the table

    Dont pick you teeth

    Don't put anything on the table, keys, purse, wallet, tissues

    Don't leavelipstick marks on things

  2. If you are old enough to be on Yahoo Answers, you ought to be old enough to know how to eat with a knife and fork.  I find this very odd.  

  3. How do you normally eat? From a trough?

    You hold the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right hand, cut food using a sawing motion with your knife, then lift it with your fork to your mouth and begin chewing, preferably with your mouth closed.

    l*****g the plate is not permissable.

    Nor is farting or burping at the table.

  4. First learn how to spell and then you are on your way...

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