
I want to know how Repubilcans think we managed through the years with a Democratic President?

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while you state that Democrats are gonna turn this country communist and all that other garbage. PLEASE FOR ONCE, one of you McCain supporters give me a policy McCain makes better than Obama (based on facts and not your magnetic GED brain plz)




  1. Well, Liberals keep saying President Bush is going to destroy this country before he leaves office.  But hey, here we are almost 8 years later.  And we all know it could be a h**l of a lot worse.

    besides, with the economy being the way it is, not many people can really afford to pay higher taxes.

  2. IRAQ




  3. Energy.  Taxes.  Those were already said.  And that is an answer as the rest of your question does not apply to me.  I never stated the Democrats are going to turn this country communist.  How do I think we managed through the years with democratic presidents?  Because it doesn't matter what your political affiliation is, there are enough checks and balances in place to keep things from getting too radical.  I hope.  

    J, you stated "they'll be begging for our help when they can't drive their SUV's from their trailer park to the strip bar."

    Were you referring to the fact that Republicans don't believe in alternative fuel sources, or from the inevitable gunfire we will have to take cover from as the Democrats disarm the citizens and reduce the military so we can give peace a chance?

  4. Republicans have been in charge for the past forty years, with only twelve out for Democrats.

    Given the state of our country you would think Republicans would be hiding their heads, but no, they rely on our short attention span and blame Clinton and a one vote majority in Congress for the last year and a half, that's can and has been overridden by a presidential veto.

    I'm not for Obama, but I'm even less for letting the Republicans have yet another four years of messing up.

    Maybe if they leave power for a while it will curb the worst of their pro business tendencies.

    Maybe they will have some thoughts for the workers instead of the executives.  Is that what they think communism is all about...will the pool boy have to swim in the country club pool?

    Could it be, that to them, if you actually sweat for a living or don't wear a makes you less worthy of their consideration.

    Isn't that true elitism?

  5. I think that Bush is the worst American President and he has succeeded in ruining this country.  When Clinton was President, the US has a SURPLUS that Bush managed to run through in the first few years of his administration.  And now the economy and the environment are in the toilet.  For someone who deems himself spiritual he should feel a huge sense of shame.  But I don't think that he thinks that hard about what he's done. He, his family, and his friends have hugely profited from Iraq and from oil.

  6. GED brain. ha ha classic.

    they'll be begging for our help when they can't drive their SUV's from their trailer park to the strip bar.

    and those lower business taxes are great. yeah, they've really  helped the economy so far. not.

  7. Lowering business taxes makes the country more attractive to do business.  When business does well, they create more jobs.  

    You only asked for one.

    (and a merry go **** yourself to you too)

    If the companies move their jobs overseas, that tax cut to the low class won't do any good.  If prices raise on good due to the companies paying higher taxes, the companies charge more for their products.  The consumers pay it anyway.  Companies just collect taxes from their customers.

    You are a control freak.  Energy and taxes are valid answers.  Though it is kind of humorous that a follower of the Obamessiah thinks anyone else is mentally deficient.

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