
I want to know how can i promote a petition.....?

by  |  earlier

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I have created a petition. I want to know how can I promote it and get many signatures. Can you tell me any websites or some idea??? Please help me....




  1. Your local paper may sponsor your petition, write to the Editor.

  2. Hi, I have found that this combination is killer;

    Go to

    Go to More services tab

    Go to Geo-cities, set up an account

    Build a site, they have pre made ones

    Put the information you want people to know and a way to, contact you.

    Go to a chat room in yahoo that follows the subject of your site.

    Chat a while and give as many people the link to your geocity site

    (remember talk to everyone in I'm, for a while then drop the link.)

    Another way (good one too) Have a my-space account and there you can blog, post bulletins and start groups. Again the most important thing to remember is networking, tell your Friend (ask them to tell their friends....... Chat on every available service

    One more way is to go to like minded sites (as many as you can) And post bulletins and treads with your views and links to your site and my-space (there are several social networking sites you can use)

    If all this doesn't work, no one cares, lol/ But I've done this personally and it works

    Hope I helped you out and good luck!!!!  Send me your info when you get your links lol

  3. *Pound pavement, go to a busy place in your local area, tell people what it is a bout and ask them to sign it, get friends to help you to get more at a time.

    *Create an avatar in Second Life, it can be a good platform to advertise your cause.

    *Search Google for forums that discusses the topic for with the petition covers. Ask admins for permission before =hand though.

    Those are just a few ideas that might help :)

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