
I want to know how do you get rid of bad thoughts?

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I am having bad thoughts about dying.I'm scared.Please give me some advice.So do you know any suggestions.




  1. In '03 I had what is termed 'a dissected aorta', meaning ~ the main blood  flow channel ( 'the aorta' ) had ruptured and I was bleeding internally.

    Surprisingly enough (I'm told), I felt 'no pain' what so ever.  What I did feel was as if 'a silky red sheet had descended within me' !

    As a result of that, I ended on my back / backside for some 3 - 4 weeks in an intensive care unit and was pretty much unconscious for the main part of that period.  However, I did experience hallucinations (chats with John Wayne ~ apparently!) and optical illusions too.

    I emerged (experiencing all kinds of 'flashbacks') some 7 weeks after my admission ~ and ''happy'' to experience actual 'air' moving about me.

    I found out later that 80% of what I had do not emerge from the operating theatre alive, and then 75% of those who do, actually fail to remain living after a further 6 months.

    In 05, after MRI scans, I was told that I have a further 'problem' (lower down) with my aorta ~ AND ~ that if they try to do anything, then it is a LARGE possibility that I'd not survive the surgery.  

    In spite of having 'this problem', they are then, in effect, extending my life by doing nothing morethan 'monitoring me regularly'. (unless and until a NEW procedure comes along for this !).

    So, I realised, while walking to the rail station on a rather cold and windy day, that what I'd been handed was, 'in effect', a Life Sentence.

    But then you see, I was handed one of those on the day I was born, and no one knew then how long (or short) it would be. And so, nothing has actually changed .....other than a freshening of my awareness of this.

    Nothing has changed ~ beyond the fact that I am now 'older' than I was.

    All you really need to do is to simply accept that one day, you are not going to wake up, and as you get older you grow more tired and can actually look forwards to this 'not waking' and not having to go through the daily rituals ....And if you are wise, then you'll write a lot of cheques just before you go and know that they are all going to bounce after you have gone .....and that, 'they can't touch you for it'.

    I hope this helps you.


  2. Everyone has these thoughts at some time in there lives ,they soon disappear when your mind is full of other things.

    Good luck


  3. Just ignore them. They are just thoughts don't give them any power.  Read a book, listen to music, or do something to get your mind off those intrusive bad thoughts they'll go away as long as you don't entertain them. Override them with good thoughts.

  4. I would think that you should not avoid reality but rather face it and conquer your fear. Think about it like this. Everyone has to die and those that came before me also experienced death. If millions before me went through death then so can I.

    Think about it in another way - What the Caterpillar calls the end of the world the creator calls a butterfly. Most religions believe in an afterlife. Perhaps the next stage of life is better.

    Think about yet another way. If I am going to worry about tomorrow, I would never enjoy today.

    I think about death often but I have come to terms with it. It does not bother me. I went into a cemetery at night and I even saw a open grave at night - alone. There is good saying of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) "If you fear God alone then you would fear nothing else." Perhaps you need to look towards your religion and seek spiritual up fitment. Do some meditation and contemplation on God.

    Good luck and may you find peace.


  5. hang out with friends more, do stuff that makes you happy. Be cautious.  

  6. "I want to know how do you get rid of bad thoughts?"  Replace them with good thoughts.  Example--bad though: "I might die today." Good though: "On the other hand, I may live to a ripe old age!"

    Take better control over your thoughts.  You are not the plaything of your thoughts, unless you allow yourself to be!

    Here's a very good book on this type of thought management:

    On death:  Become a Christian and trust God to take care of you even through death's door.

    Read about the experience of those who have died but came back to talk about it:



  7. Stop thinking about it!


    On a more serious side.  Use the ABC's of REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy).  You can do a yahoo search and find out about it.  There are even work sheets to use on the net some place.  But is it rational that you will die?  Are you sick, have cancer, etc.?  What rational reason do you have for thinking you will die?

    Again, Stop thinking about it.  What you do with worry is to set a certain amount of time each day to worry about what ever it is that bothers you.  When that time is over you stop thinking about it.  If it pops into your mind you tell yourself that you think about at the next scheduled worry time.  Then keep reducing the amount of time that you worry until you no longer worry.  Also use the ABC of REBT.

    This do work and has helped thousands.

    $.05 please

    Lucy P

    Self-Esteem is a mental sickness!

  8. Try to sit and focus on happy things in life.  Whether in your life, or maybe someone close to you.  Listen to music if it makes you happy.  Don't dwell so much on the negativity of things.  I think if you were to focus on something that's healthier for you, then maybe you'll get rid of these negative thoughts about dying.

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