
I want to know how long before these stupid government bodies do something about global warming ?

by  |  earlier

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all they have done for the last 20 years is talk about what they could and should do but nothing gets done and the only performance this Peter Gattet has done is get on the stage and jump around like the idiot he is .What ajoke he is making of himself




  1. January 21, 2009. This is the first day that W. Bush is out of the White House.

  2. i want to know when these stupid government bodies will start doing something to lower gas prices so i can pay my bills or stop taking so much tax trying to help the environment i care about my family and bills before i can start worrying about the environment there are bigger things to worry about

  3. Wish I could collect a big fat check at the tax payers expense for doing nothing. That's a (Democratic Congress) for you...h_ll they wont even talk about it much less take any action.

  4. Global Warming.............has occured about every 10,000 years by natural forces on earth. Humans were never around during much of it. So why blame humans today?  No-No...........don't get off by sighting C02 gases and man made greenhouse effects. Holds no water in realistic - factual based history. Case in point............did you know that methane gas causes more greenhouse issues we're monitoring today than any other cause? taking this well documented fact, did you know that methane gas is a normal thing inside the earth and escapes at will most of which is under the ocean floors of the world?  So..........if you ever come to grips with undisputed global warming causes and it's history well before man even roamed the planet, it'll help you sleep better at night.

    Ok....I'll stop.

  5. Why don't you do  something yourself?  Remember the saying "think Globally act locally" remember we are the government in America we have the right to make choices on our own.  I don't want the government telling me to do or not to do anything else.  It is easy to sit back and just take potshots....What have you done to stop global warming???

  6. 1.)  We have more scientists disproving man-made global warming than the ones that are claiming it is real.  That adds confusion to the issue in a debate because 99% of the politicians are not scientifically or even technically inclined.

    2.)  As long as they can use it as a platform to get people to vote them to an elected office, why solve it?

    3.)  There is more money to be made in debating it, less money in solving it.  All President Bush had to do was question the democrats on why not drill oil in our own country and gas prices dropped by half a dollar in some areas.  7 of the 10 most richest senators are democrats.  There are some republicans that needs to get out too.

    4.)  Global Warming is on its way as a money making gimmick, the next one is called Climate change.

    5.)  When have a bunch of political lawyers ever made things cheaper for the average Joe?

  7. Here is the requested quote for those that have never seen it.

    A committee is a life form with six or more legs and no brain.

    --Robert A. Heinlein

  8. They're 'floating' some ideas.

  9. They will get to your problem when there vacation is over

  10. there are its just takes along time to do all that is done, and its going to happen little by little, for ex alternative fuels.

  11. There is a problem when people want government to do something to help.  The problem is that they sometimes do do something.  

  12. got it backwards.  The STUPID governments are trying to do something about it.

  13. A few months ago I saw an article in Yahoo News saying that a study had shown that decisions made by committees are less intelligent than decisions made by individuals.  This problem is compounded when you're talking about committees made up of government officials who aren't bright enough to make a halfway intelligent decision on their own.  It's up to all of us to keep putting pressure on the bureaucracy to stop procrastinating and do something.

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