
I want to know how to build my credit score in whichever way possible.?

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I tried going to the bank for a loan but they denied me. But that didnt let me down. I just wanna know how you built your credit score in whatever type of way. I really need credit because I know that i'll need it later in the future. And without credit I dont think I can get far in life especially not in hawaii. So do you know any type of way? (i.e financing, pre-paid credit cards, etc). Oh and how does that pre-paid credit card work? Do you know by any chance? Is there some type of APR percentage? If so please tell me with specific details. Tell me whats the best way or easiest way cause I dont think they'll approve me if I go to them again. Oh and another thing can you leave me links so I can find things to build my credit score and some pre-paid credit card websites so I can try it out. Really desperate!! Thanks.

The best answer will get 10pts.




  1. .  Have you considered using one of those authorized user tradeline programs. They are very affordable and would get you well on your way to having your own credit. My mom used it and not only was able to open other accounts, but her score jumped 51 points. Check out the free evaluation form at They can help find you a qualified loan officer as well.  Good luck.

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  3. I too was in the process of rebuilding my credit score and  was referred to  It's a forum board where you can ask anything regarding credit. I opened up a secured credit card with my credit union and so far its been working for me.  I started all this in May and my credit score went up 10pts.

  4. It is important to build credit in American society starting at a very young age. The reason that it is increasingly important to build credit is because of the standard developmental stages American adolescents and young adults go through. After leaving home, a majority of American children go on to college. In order to be able to afford the expensive items (like textbooks) and the fun activities (like Spring break trips), it is sometimes necessary to rely on credit. You want to build<!--credit which reflects your credibility as a borrower. In order to build credit of this kind, you will want to follow a few simple rules. The first is to make sure that you pay off the balance of each credit card in full at the end of each month.

    If you build credit early, it will be there to access during your starving college years, when you may need it most. After college almost always comes a car, a family and a house, all of which bring their own financial obligations and each of which requires that you increasingly build credit which reflects your stages of growth.Other keys to build--> credit are to always make payment early or on time, to make sure to always stay within your given credit limit, and to avoid applying for numerous credit cards. Regular monitoring of your credit report is also important because, once you build credit, you don’t want it destroyed by computer errors or, worse yet, identity theft.

  5. i was going through a lot of the same problems with my credit score but i turned to get some help and found it at . They're totally free service that can help put on you on a good plan to raise your credit score.

  6. To raise your credit score you need to do two things:

    1 - add positive things to your credit records.  Such as paying your bills on time!

    2 - Remove negative things from your records.  These may be mistakes made by the credit report companies or bills you haven’t paid!

    If your problems aren’t too bad or too complicated than you can do this yourself.  This review site gives you e-books to explain the process and guide you through it:

    if your problem is complex - or you just don’t have the time or patience to do it yourself then you will want to use a credit repair company.  This review site will guide you to the three best companies to use:

    Good Luck!

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