
I want to know how to gain some weight plz help?

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can some 1 plz help me gain weight

im not under weight but im skinny and i get teased in school

which i really dont like it so i need some 1 to tell me what foods to eat in order to gain weight not foods that will give me diseases like diabetes and stuff like that all i want is to gain a few kilos plz i really need help

and dont worry about obesity because i am fit in every thing e.g. running, swimming, gymnastics etc and i can sprint pretty quickly to

so please some 1 help me gain a few kilos plz

all i need is a list of foods to eat that will give me more weight and how long it will take me

thanks in advance to everyone who gives a suggestion=]=]=]




  1. I thought only the very obese get teased in school.

    You must be very bony.

    You can drink full fat milk, eat nuts, I don't recommend meat because I am vegetarian myself, but meat will help you build muscles and fattening.

    I think protein body building drinks will help (they are at health food stores, a powder to mix with milk).

  2. Eat fat to get fat.

  3. eat man eat  

  4. Rice helps you gain weight. My advice is that you eat plenty of rice (smile)

  5. Try more proteins and carbohydrates but do more weight training to increase your muscle mass. This will beef you up a bit without getting curvier.  

  6. Dear friend,I can give you a suggestion.But its up to you to grant my opinion.I'm telling you my opinion because,I was a little-bit skinny few months ago.When I applied this theory,it really worked for me.So,I think it will also work for you.There are 6 simple steps-

    1.Eat an egg (Boiled)

    2.Drink 1 cup of Horlicks mixed with milk and sugar (Hot)

    3.Eat any kind of fruit

    4.Eat 1 dish Corn Flakes (Small Dish)

    5.Eat meat (Medium Level)

    6.Drink 1 glass of milk.

    These items are really good for health.I think it will solve your problem as well.If you have any financial problem,you can try only (1 & 2),indicated above.All items should be taken everyday.You have to maintain this routine.

    Inform me, what do think about my idea.

    Take care.

  7. You can gain weight by eating a lot of carbs and proteins. Another thing that I did when I was trying to gain weight was slim fast. If you eat a regular meal, (with lots of carbs) then drink a slim fast afterward, it adds a lot more calories along with nutrients that you need. Also, if you are trying to gain weight make sure you are not over doing the physical activity! It is healthy, but too much can make you lose weight, not gain it!

  8. make your portion sizes bigger

    when y feel full just eat a little bit more still, this will really help

    also add in a few extra healthier snacks throughout the day

    some foods that will really help you but are still healthy are







  9. eat alot junk food dont exercise sit and watch my tv DONT THINK IM A FAT @$$ IM NOT TURST ME


    meat and candy and junk food and sweets and chips and chocolate and soda and lots of food eat lots of meat

  10. Eat nutritious foods that are high in calories. Examples are whole-grain breads, vegetables such as avocados and potatoes, kidney beans, lean red meat, poultry and fish.

    Increase the caloric value of your meals. Add powdered milk to casseroles for added calories, add avocados and olives to sandwiches, add wheat germ to your cereal, add chopped meat to your pasta sauce, and so on.

    Avoid skipping meals. Knowing how to gain weight involves consistent eating. Eat three meals a day and at least two snacks.

    Increase your normal portion size. Take a second scoop of pasta, or add two bananas to your oatmeal.

    Choose higher-calorie foods when given a choice. For example, corn is higher in calories than green beans.

    Relax - excessive fidgeting and restlessness can burn up a lot of calories.

    Add weight lifting to your exercise program. It helps build muscle mass.

    Balance your caloric intake with the number of calories you're burning. You need to be taking in more than you use up, and you may need to ease up a little on your exercise program.

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