
I want to know how to get a perfect deck in Yu - Gi - Oh trading card game

by  |  earlier

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I always get beat in Yu - Gi - Oh with my cousin :(




  1. effect monsters:

    x1 great maju garzett

    x1wall of illusion

    x1dd surviver

    x1herald of creation

    x1needle worm

    x1which of the black forest

    x1decoy dragon

    x1grave protector

    x1chaos sorcerer

    x1light and darkness dragon

    x1giant orc

    x1second goblin

    x1guardian angel joan

    x1chaos emperor dragon-envoy of the end

    x1black luster soldier-envoy of the beginning

    x1deep diver

    x1 skilled dark magician

    x1majestic mech- goryu

    x1 elemental hero neos alius

    normal monsters:6

    x1beast of talwar

    x1x-head cannon

    x1ddark blade

    x1gemini elf

    x1mad dog of darkness


    ritual monsters:2

    x1ruin queen of oblivion

    x1demise king of Armageddon

    trap cards:2

    x1nightmare wheel

    x1sakuretsu armor

    x1mirror force

    x1demensial prison

    x1raigeki break

    x1bottomless trap hole

    x1 drop off


    x1magic cylinder

    magic cards:14

    x1monster reborn

    x1pot of avarice

    x1serial spell

    x1double attack

    x1change of heart

    x1 forceful sentry

    x2end of the world

    x1axe of despair


    x1pot of greed

    x1gravity axe- grarl

    x1burden of the mighty

    try this deck. its easy to run

  2. thair is no best deck evry deck has a chance of wining or loosing but i can help just to help you make your deck better so it stands a better chance, i'll make a decklist for 2 decks here;

    dark magican deck 44 cards;

    monsters 16;

    dark magican

    dark magican girl

    dark magican of cous

    buster blader

    magican of faith

    breaker the magical warriar

    fp assa

    fp aria

    fp hiata

    fp wynn

    skiiled dark magican

    skilled wite magican


    mythecal beast curan

    old ventens magican


    spells 13;

    magical demision

    dark magic curten

    dedecation throw light and darkness

    impackt flip

    magic formula

    pot of greed

    card of santety

    soul exchange


    dubble spell

    premature burial

    monster reborn

    monster reincarnation

    yu-jo fraindship

    traps 15;

    a hero emerges

    mirror force

    trap hole

    bottemless trap hole

    energy drain

    covering fier

    jugdment of the pharo

    jugdment of aniubis

    magic cylender

    dark renewl

    brightlight X2

    pineapple blast

    negate attack

    draining sheild

    my deck (E*hero deck) 51 cards;

    monsters 14;









    captain gold

    hero kid X3


    dark catapulter

    spells 22;

    cyclone boomerang

    monster reincarnation

    o-over soul

    reinforcement of the army

    rush reklessly

    lightning vortex

    monster reborn


    fusion recovery

    fifth hope

    premature burial

    lucky iron axe

    future fusion

    the warriar returning alive


    h-heated heart

    e-emergency call

    polymerazation  X2

    hand destroction

    pot of greed

    lightning blade

    traps 15;

    a hero emerges

    mirror gate

    miracel kids

    magic cylender

    deal of phantom

    kid gard

    hero barriar

    negate attack

    bottemless trap hole

    call of the haunted

    hero signal


    edge hammer

    hero counterattack

    draining sheild

    fusions 8;

    flame wingman

    thunder gaint

    rampart blaster



    wild wingman

    necroid shaman


    theas 2 decks are the best i've got right now to say they'll give ya better progess!! ^_^

  3. you cant cause its impossible even if u had the best deck someone could draw exodia i 1 turn and win

  4. go on ebay!

  5. and here are 2 other deck list

    dino deck

    monsters: babycerasaurus

    2 hydrogeddon

    2 dark driceratops


    2 ultimate tyranno

    3 hyper hammerhead

    super conductor tyrannno

    2 gilasurus

    black tyranno

    miracle jurassic egg

    2 black ptera

    2 tyranno infinity


    spells: lightning vortex

    tail swipe

    jurassic world

    srbeks blessing

    2 big evolution pill

    double attack

    heavy storm


    mystical space typhoon

    traps: 2 fossil excavation

    dimension wall

    magical arm shield

    survial instinct

    negate attack

    hunting instinct

    volcanic eruption

    seismic shockwave

    e-hero deck

    monsters: 2 chrysalis dolphin

    winged kuriboh

    winged kuriboh lv10

    e hero wildheart

    neo spacian aqua dolphin

    e hero bubbleman

    e hero clayman

    e hero neos


    e hero burstinartrix

    e hero bladedge

    neo spacian grand mole

    e hero necro shade

    e hero spark man

    e hero avian

    neo spacian dark panther

    neo spacian glow moss

    spells: monster reincarnation

    convert contact

    cyclone boomerang

    fifth hope


    future fusion

    reverse of neos


    fake hero

    transcendent wings

    fusion sage

    common soul


    neos force


    traps: clay charge

    call of the haunted

    hero counterattack

    magic cylinder

    cocoon veil

    hero signal

    elemental recharge

    fusions: e hero aqua neos

    e hero rampart blaster

    e hero electrum

    e hero necroid shaman

    e hero flamewingman

    e hero plasma vice

    e hero mariner

    e hero steam healer

    e hero phoenix enforcer

    e hero thunder giant

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