
I want to know if 27437 stoney island ave. in crete illinois is a haunted house.?

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i have heard that the above address was once a church used for evil. and i wanted to know if it is haunted.




  1. Like any house or any location, it's haunted only to those people who believe it is haunted.

    This is the Science & Mathematics category, and there is no scientific test for "haunted" vs. "non-haunted". If you're looking for opinions from like-minded people, perhaps asking in the Mythology & Folklore forum would get you better results?

  2. Hi Dana

                      I was reading the answers people have left for you

    and I am always amazed at the content of they're answers.I can.t help but wonder why?,out of all the subjects in yahoos answer and question forum these people choose the paranormal section to show they're intelect.I am disapointed as I am sure you are that you asked a serious question from your heart and very few gave you the respect of a answer based on they're factual knowledge.they gave you answers based on skepticism and beliefs.I however cannot tell you if that address is known for paranormal activity.What I will tell you is I will find out if anyone has reported paranormal activity and whether a paranormal investigation has been done on that location and the findings I have friends through-out the country who do this sort of work and are very reliable.and I will get back to you today.I think you should ask all the people who continue to use this forum in the paranormal and seem to be all-knowing on the subject.If you don't believe in the paranormal then why are you here? these scientific geniouses who say no-one has come up with conclusive proof in the exsistance of the paranormal.They need to research the subject my challenge to them is prove it does'nt exist?I am sorry Dana that I used up your your answer space to addess this but I believe you deserved an answer shown the same respect as the question given please feel free to contact me ok I will have the info today for you. I wonder if the gentleman below understands what he read no where in my message did I ask for your email or offer mine And Zach counter all you like your view on paranormal investigators is of little concern to me as is your lack of knowledge on the subject.Dana I got in touch of some people that church was rumored to be a old satanic church it has been investigated with no evidence of paranormal activity it still holds sunday school classes in it and no reported activity hope that helps

  3. No it is not haunted.

  4. its possible.why dont u go visit it , then u wil know

  5. I doubt it's haunted.Should you give out an address?Beware of overly friendly people who ask you to contact them.Especially paranormal investigators.To the people above,go somewhere else for a one-sided discussion.Here your ridiculous claims will be countered.

  6. It seems you are posing two questions here.

    First: Is the building a "church used for evil"?  What exactly is that?  You do know that the whole idea of devil worshipers is a myth, right?  There has never been any evidence that organized groups of people have ever worshiped the devil anywhere.  This is just an element of spooky ghost stories.

    Second: Is the building haunted?  This question can exist independent of whether or not the place was used for evil.  Some might contend that the more bad things happen in a place the more likely it is such a place will be haunted, but there really has been no evidence to suggest this is the case.  For that matter, there is really no evidence to suggest that haunted houses even exist.

  7. Yes, I feel that there is something evil about it. Everything about the arrangement of numbers, the words stoney and crete bode no good. BTW, the word stony would be fine. But it's not, is it?

  8. No it is not.

  9. Why do they allow this stuff in the real science section?

    If you want to know go see for yourself. Chances are you will find it "haunted" because you've conditioned yourself to believe in that sort of thing.

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