
I want to know if anyones parents worked in an embassy abroad while they were growing up?

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If so; where did you go to school? Were they switched to more than one country? How many languages do you speak? Did you know you were growing up differently? Did you like it?




  1. Children of employees in embassies had to transfer on every assignment of the parent and its advantage maybe to be able to speak in different languages.

  2. As a Foreign Service Officer, would this help?

    My kids have attended American international school in 3 different countries, on 3 different continents.  They speak to different degrees Spanish, Hebrew, and French.  They are quite aware of growing up differently, as we speak of it often and actively try to help them maintain their friendships with kids back home.  Part of why we speak of it often is to ensure that this is a healthy, positive experience for them, as some "global nomads" or "third culture kids" grow up alienated and troubled.

    They do like it, but the drawbacks are significant.

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