
I want to know if feminists or traditionalists are more likely to be pet owners, please answer the...

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following questions.

Are you a feminist or a tradionlist?

Do you have pets?

How many?

What kind?




  1. I am more of a traditionalist! I have 2 turtles and a big dog.

  2. None of the above



    Mutts, pitbulls and labs.

  3. Neither.



    A mixture, and a Pomeranian.

  4. I'm not a feminist.

    I've got a 7 foot red-tailed boa and a bird eater tarantula.

  5. I'm a feminist, and no, I don't have a pet.  We may get a dog at some point.

  6. I'm a feminist budgie owner.

  7. I hated cats growing up. But when I met my ex-husband, he had two tabby brothers. I grew fond of the two furballs, rather against my will. After we split up, he got a new live-in girlfriend who was allergic to cats, so he asked me to take them.


  8. Equalist:  I've had cats and dogs.  I love em both.  

  9. Traditional in my personal life, but a political equalist.

    No - I had a couple of rabbits and fish when I was growing up, but they all died on me. I support animal rights and I'd never deliberately hurt one (I don't eat meat) but I don't really like pets.  

  10. Feminist


    umm...going to say three...

    Collie, orange cat, and fish lots of fish including a puffer who is just as much a pet as the dog, also due dog rescues so have strays...staying at the house a ya um 3 +a few : )

  11. Don't really fit either definition.




    I've had one dog, two rabbits, a guinea pig, some fish, and hermit crabs in the distant past though, as well as a couple of other cats (not all at the same time though).

  12. Feminist

    yes (looking for a Benji - Cairn Terrier-, their rescue agency wants way to much $$ for their animals)


    10 year old female cats- one gray tabby who talks and a long, long, hair black and white domestic who knows she is the princess.

  13. I own no pets but I've been a feminist pet before.

  14. I am a feminist and I have two dogs...Germaine and Lucy B

    I have a male cat..but we leave him outside!

  15. I'm a feminists and a traditionalist. I'm also a functionalist.

    I have a Dog and a cat

    1 German Shepherd X Pyrenese Mountain Dog (male)

    1 Domestic cat (female)

  16. 1)I don't label myself, but I would have to say I am more of a traditionalist.

    2) No

    3) 0

    4) None, but I'd like to get some pure blood German shepards.  

  17. Feminist.

    No, but I would if my mom wasn't allergic to animal fur.



  18. Feminists aren't the opposite of traditionalists.  You can be a traditional wife, yet still believe in equality in the workplace.  You can be a feminists and have no problem with traditional people, in the home.

    I have pets, and always have, even when I was a traditional SAHW.  I have 3 cats right now, but have had many types of pets, including swans and peacocks.

  19. C'mon, Hala.  Politics makes no difference; animal lovers are animal lovers.  Proud feminist mom to three furbabies:  two rescue greyhounds that came with the husband; one old fat thoroughly spoiled calico cat that came with the wife.  

    There will always be adopted/rescued animals in my home.  The only reason we have three is because the cat will not tolerate any others and is always plotting ways to get rid of the dogs.

  20. Feminist



    Three dogs--American Eskimo, Italian Greyhound, and a Puginese (Pug/Pekingese hybrid)

    Two cats--long haired mutts

    I also have five Kahaku Koi in our Koi pond, and several tropical fish in our fish tank

  21. I am a non-feminist g*y man who believes in equality for everyone and I have a cat and she oppresses me.

  22. I'm a feminist.  My husband and I just adopted two cats.

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