
I want to know if i can get a tattoo even though i have herpes?

by  |  earlier

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I know it sounds dumb, but i think its a good question. My mother knows plenty about medicine but we're not sure, i mean it sounds right and if you think about it it makes sense.

Its in your blood and everything and when you get inked you pierce skin bleed and the ink is also seeped into your skin as well and blood. I just want to know if people with herpes can get tattoos or if its dangeours because of some possible risk involved.

I really want to get tattoed like this week so if i could get some answers that would be great, please list your source and explain if you can, thank you.




  1. yes. they are supposed to use fresh, new and sterile equipment as well as protect themselves. however, out of courtesy you should call ahead and let them know you have herpes when you make the appt. that way they can have extra protection for themselves if it would make them more comfortable, as well as being able to do extra clean up after..

  2. You definitely CAN get a tattoo with herpes... in my tattoo shop, we have even tattooed a person who is HIV positive... any clean tattoo shop should have no problem, since they are supposed to be sterile work environments.

    But out of courtesy, call ahead and let them know...

  3. if the tattooist is using an autoclave you should be o.k.-as long as you aren't having a flare-up at the time, might be wise to rell the tattooist about your condition.

  4. I would call and ask at the parlor to see what they advise. Professionals in the tattoo industry should know. You should certainly let them know and see if they think it's an issue. I don't know for sure but it seems to me like you would be able to get a tattoo. You should also ask your doctor to be safe.

    Here's one answer, but it is designed for genital herpes, I don't know what type you have:

  5. you probably cant cuz there a risk that your blood could get some where its not suppost to and you have herps so no dont do it unless you have your on kit like my mom does cuz she doesnt want to pay for it all.. she dont have herps tho so idk

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