
I want to know if its possible to drive a vehicle from los Angele's California to buenos aires Argentina?

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I want to know if its possible to drive a vehicle from los Angele's California to buenos aires Argentina?




  1. thernkwe is right, .... I have an Idea for you...why dont you fly to Rio or Sao Paulo, rent a car, and drive down.... throught porto alegre , florianopolis, chuy, UY, punta del este, montevideo, colonia, fray ventos AR, buenos aires... this route should be as exiting and yet SAFER!

    happy travels....

  2. Yah you can, they are both on a continual land mass (america).

  3. While it is physically possible to drive from Los Angeles to Argentina, I would definitely not do it. Here are a couple reasons:

    1. You need to pass through at least 8 countries (not including the U.S. and Argentina) to complete your journey.

    2. Roads in Central and South America aren't nearly as good as in the U.S. You could take the Pan-American highway, which would take you all the way down to Argentina. However, the Highway disappears for about 90 miles in the Panamanian Rainforest. Also the highway is sometimes little more than a dirt road. There's a good change you could get lost or be unable to make it through Central America.

    3. There are a lot of rules about driving an American car through other countries. To drive through Mexico alone, you need: your car title, Mexican insurance, and a "permit fee" (see link). Who knows what you need to do if you're driving through 8 other countries.

    4. You're very likely to be pulled over if your car has U.S. plates. You could keep bribing police officers, but I imagine that would get expensive fast.

    It would be quite an adventure to make the ~70 hour drive to Buenos Aires. If you do decide to drive there, good luck!

  4. With the amount of gas you would use and the huge risk of having your car stolen or being car jacked why dont you just fly that thing there? But yes it is possible but not recomended.

  5. It is possible and expensive!

    And NOT there is NOT a continuos land mass.

    To cross the Strait of Darien, you need to ship your car on a cargo vessel to Colombia. Very expensive and difficult!

    If what you want is to have your car in Argentina to enjoy, send it via ocean-freight. OPtion one: as a car, general cargo Option two: into a 20Ft container, where you my also include other items. You will pay between USD2500.00 to 4.000.00

    Please note that while in Argentina you will be able to drive legally maximum 6 months. After that you will have to drive to the nearest border to renew your permit.

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